2021-22 Photos
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General Photos
July 2021 - Banner patch received for our support of teh Lions International Rose Parade float in 2022.
July 2021 - Banner patch received for our support of Wilderness Camp for the Deaf.
8-3-21 - Joe Farrah, with son Nick Farrah, at Fenton’s Creamery & Restaurant in Vacaville.
8/18/21 - On Mission St. near France Ave., San Francisco - Current state of the construction taking place in the old Valente, Marini, Perata, Funeral Directors lot. Rumors are, a housing development is going in the space.
8/19/21 - Al Gentile’s Home, San Mateo - Bob Lawhon, left, and Al Gentile talking about the insurance business, Al was with New York Life for 75 years, the Geneva-Excelsior Lions’ members who have come and gone by, and Iwo Jima during World War II.
8/19/21 - Al Gentile’s Home, San Mateo - Lion Al Gentile holds his Certificate of Service for 64 years of service while Lion Bob Lawhon gives him some additional background.
8/19/21 - Al Gentile’s Home, San Mateo - Lion Al Gentile proudly holds his Certificate of Service for 64 years of service while posing with Lion Bob Lawhon.
8-25-21 - Banner patch from Lions Clubs International Foundation for our cumulative support of the Foundation during the 2020-21 fiscal year.
9-25-21 - Banner patch from the Student Speakers Foundation for our support of the Foundation for the fiscal years 2020-21 and 2021-22.
10-17-21 - Outer Sunset Farmers Market & Mercantile, 37th Avenue between Ortega & Pacheco, San Francisco - Lions Carol Fung and Bob Lawhon pause and pose with the S. F. Unified Lions banner.
11-14-21 - San Bruno - Joe Farrah, and son Nick, enjoying a walk on San Mateo Avenue.
11-17-21 - San Francisco Unified Lions Club Visitation, IASC, San Francisco - Lion President Carol Fung (standing) talking about the S. F. Unified Club’s activities. Zenaida Lawhon on left.
11-17-21 - San Francisco Unified Lions Club Visitation, IASC, San Francisco - L to R, far side: Lyle Workman, and George Salet; near side: Zenaida Lawhon, Ward Donnelly, and Joe Farrah; Lion President Carol Fung (standing) handing out lists of S. F. Unified’s activities.
11-17-21 - San Francisco Unified Lions Club Visitation, IASC, San Francisco - L to R, seated: Joe Farrah, Ward Donnelly, and Zenaida Lawhon; Lion President Carol Fung (standing) talking about S. F. Unified’s activities.
11-17-21 - San Francisco Unified Lions Club Visitation, IASC, San Francisco - L to R: S. F. Unified’s Vice President Richard Jue, Bill Graziano, and Lyle Workman.
11-17-21 - San Francisco Unified Lions Club Visitation, IASC, San Francisco - L to R, left side: Joe Farrah, Ward Donnelly, and Zenaida Lawhon; right side: S. F. Unified’s Vice President Richard Jue, and Lyle Workman; Lion President Carol Fung (standing) talking about S. F. Unified’s activities.
11-17-21 - San Francisco Unified Lions Club Visitation, IASC, San Francisco - L to R, left side: Joe Farrah, Ward Donnelly, and Zenaida Lawhon; right side: S. F. Unified’s Vice President Richard Jue, and Bill Graziano; Lion President Carol Fung (standing) talking about S. F. Unified’s activities.
11-17-21 - San Francisco Unified Lions Club Visitation, IASC, San Francisco - L to R, left side: Ward Donnelly, and Zenaida Lawhon; right side: S. F. Unified’s Vice President Richard Jue commenting on his Club’s activities, Bill Graziano, and Lyle Workman.
11/25/21 from Facebook - Looking south, down Mission Street, toward the intersection of Mission Street and Geneva Avenue in 1923.
12/11/21 - Terry Farrah helping her father, Joe Farrah, learn how to use the Photos app on his iPhone.
12-21-21 - Terry Farrah (photographer), with, L to R: Al Gentile, Joe Farrah, and Roxanne Gentile visiting Al and Roxanne at Al’s condo in San Mateo.
12/24/21 - Our Charter after deciding to go back to the Geneva-Excelsior Lions Club in October 2011. Held by Bre Jones after the renaming, now with Lyle Workman.
12/25/21 from Facebook - Early 1960s - Joe Farrah: “The street holiday decorations were paid for by the businesses giving, and redeeming, Excelsior Blue Trading Stamps.” Note the Granada Theatre, center right.
2-4-22 - Irving St. between 21st & 22nd Aves., San Francisco - Joe Farrah, and daughter Terry, taking a stroll in the City on Irving Street.
Mid 1970s - from Facebook - Looking north from San Juan and Mission Streets, next to Wells Fargo Bank, San Francisco.
2-13-22 - Nick, on left, and Joe Farrah enjoying a pre-Super Bowl refreshment at Nick’s Restaurant, Rockaway Beach, Pacifica.
2-20-22 - from Facebook - Steve Martin and friend on Bartlett Street, San Francisco.
From Facebook - Monroe Elementary School, date unknown.
From Facebook - Alemany & San Jose Avenues in the 1950’s.
4-3-22 - Harry’s Hofbrau, Redwood City - Terry Farrah: “Today, Dad, Joe Farrah, on left, took his old friend Al Fregosi, and Al’s daughter Janet, to lunch. Both of them owned businesses on Mission Street in the Excelsior District of San Francisco. Dad, a shoe store; Al, a flower shop. They were in the Geneva-Excelsior Lions Club together for decades. Dad is 93 and Al is 108 years old.”
4-5-22 - Joe Farrah at the Round House Cafe at the Golden Gate Bridge toll plaza where he almost walked on the bridge for the first time.
4-20-22 - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Candidate for 2nd Vice District Governor Clayton Jolley giving a little of his history, and what his platform will be in the coming years.
From Facebook / Paul Giusto - Bill Graziano, and friend, enjoy drinks before dinner.
4-30-22 - 2022 Police, Firefighters & Sheriffs Award Night, Scottish Rite Masonic Center, San Francisco - L to R: (at table) guest, guest, District Governor Jun Valera, Captain of Ingleside Station, Officer Matthew Seavey, President Robert Lawhon, SF Council President August Valera, announcer.
4-30-22 - 2022 Police, Firefighters & Sheriffs Award Night, Scottish Rite Masonic Center, San Francisco - L to R: Sharon Eberhardt, Officer Matthew Seavey, and Bob Lawhon.
5-4-22 - New elected, but not yet installed, Lion Iliana Escudero participating in her first meeting which was held via Zoom.
5-21-22 - New elected District 4-C4 leadership for 2022-23. Lion John Hui, Disctrict Governor, Lion Kevin Guess, 1st Vice District Governor, and Lion Clayton Jolley, 2nd Vice District Governor.
5-25-22 - Contents of the new member kit for our new Lion Iliana Escudero. Her new member badge and membership certificate are not shown.
Early 1960s (?) - From Facebook posted by Paul Giusto - Giusto Service, 4249 Mission Street at Maynard Street.
6-23-22 - From Lions International MyLion Member Site - The Geneva-Excelsior Lions accumulated 2021-2022 metrics as reported to Lions International during the year.
Installation of Officers - July 17, 2021
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - L to R: far side: Joelle Kenealey, guest of Sharon Eberhardt, Mario Benavante, Jessica Livsey, with her mother, Imelda Perez, and Zenaida Lawhon; far center: Sharon Eberhardt; near center: Leona Wong and Bill Graziano; near side: Bob Fenech.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - L to R: near side: Bob Fenech (far end), Robert Lawhon, and Fanny Chu; near center: Leona Wong and Bill Graziano; far center: Sharon Eberhardt; far side: Joelle Kenealey, guest of Sharon Eberhardt, Mario Benavante, and Jessica Livsey, with her mother, Imelda Perez.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - L to R: at door: George Salet and Bill Graziano; far side: Denise Kelly, Venetia Young, Ken Ibarra, and Bob Fenech; far center: Leona Wong; near center: Sharon Eberhardt, and Bob Lawhon talking with Kathy Salet; near side, front to back: Imelda Perez, with daughter Jessica Livsey, Joelle Kenealey, guest of Sharon Eberhardt, and Zenaida Lawhon.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - L to R: Rose & Mario Benavente, and Robert Lawhon.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - L to R: near side: Bob Fenech, Ken Ibarra, Denise Kelly, and Fanny Chu; near center: Leona Wong, Bill Granziano, and Kethy & George Salet; far center: Sharon Eberhardt, Steve Martin, with his guests George Leeds and Mike Foti; far side: Joelle Kenealey, guest of Sharon Eberhardt, Macy Mak Chan, Rebecca Rondeau, Michael Chan, Jessica Livsey, Imelda Perez, and Zenaida Lawhon; head table: Rose & Mario Benavente, and Robert Lawhon.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - L to R: head table: Rose & Mario Benavente, and Robert Lawhon; near side: Zenaida Lawhon, Imelda Perez, and daughter Jessica Livsey, Michael Chan, Rebecca Rondeau, Macy Mak Chan, and Joelle Kenealey, guest of Sharon Eberhardt; near center: Mike Foti, George Leeds, Steve Martin, and Sharon Eberhardt; far center: George & Kathy Salet, and Bill Graziano; far side: Fanny Chu, Denise Kelly, Venetia Young, and Ken Ibarra.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Macy Mak Chan and Rebecca Rondeau.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - L to R: near side: Bob Fenech, Ken Ibarra, Venetia Young, Denise Kelly, and Fanny Chu; near center: Leona Wong, Bill Graziano, and Kathy & George Salet; far center: Sharon Eberhardt, Steve Martin, George Leeds, and Mike Foti; far side: Joelle Kenealey, guest of Sharon Eberhardt, Macy Mak Chan, Rebecca Rondeau, Michael Chan, Jessica Livsey, with mother Imelda Perez, and Zenaida Lawhon. Robert Lawhon on right edge.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - L to R, far side: Fanny Chu, Denise Kelly, Venetia Young, Ken Ibarra, and Bob Fenech; far center: George & Kathy Salet, Bill Graziano, and Leona Wong; near center: Mike Foti, George Leeds, Steve Martin, and Sharon Eberhardt; near side: Rose Benavente (on left), Zenaida Lawhon, and Imelda Perez, with daughter Jessica Livsey.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - L to R: Fanny Chu, Denise Kelly, Ken Ibarra, Lyle Workman, and Bob Fenech giving the invocation. Photo courtesy of Leona Wong.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Fanny Chu and Denise Kelly. Photo courtesy of Michael Chan.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - L to R: Fanny Chu, Denise Kelly, and Venetia Young. Photo courtesy of Michael Chan.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - L to R: Fanny Chu, Denise Kelly, and Venetia Young. Photo courtesy of Michael Chan.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Ken Ibarra. Photo courtesy of Michael Chan.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Lyle Workman (seated) and Bill Graziano. Photo courtesy of Michael Chan.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Stephen Martin. Photo courtesy of Michael Chan.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Macy Mak Chan and Rebecca Rondeau. Photo courtesy of Michael Chan.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Michael Chan and Jessica Livsey. Photo courtesy of Michael Chan.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Mario Benavente and Robert Lawhon.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Certificate to be presented to Al Gentile for his 64 years of service to our club.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Mario Benavente and Robert Lawhon. Photo courtesy of Michael Chan.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - L to R: head table: Rose & Mario Benavente, and Robert Lawhon; nearest: Zenaida Lawhon, Imelda Perez, and daughter Jessica Livsey, Rebecca Rondeau, Macy Mak Chan, and Joelle Kenealey, guest of Sharon Eberhardt; near center: Mike Foti, Steve Martin, and Sharon Eberhardt; far center: George & Kathy Salet, and Leona Wong; far side: Fanny Chu, Denise Kelly, Venetia Young, Ken Ibarra, Lyle Workman, and Bob Fenech. Photo courtesy of Michael Chan.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - L to R: left side: Rebecca Rondeau, Jessice Livsey, with her mother, Imelda Perez, and Zenaida Lawhon; left center: Sharon Eberhardt, Steve Martin, and Mike Foti; right center: Leona Wong, Bill Graziano, and Kathy & George Salet; right side: Bob Fenech, Lyle Workman, Ken Ibarra, Venetia Young, Denise Kelly, and Fanny Chu; head, l to r: Rose & Mario Benavente, and Bob Lawhon. Photo courtesy of Michael Chan.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - L to R: near side: Bob Fenech, Lyle Workman, Ken Ibarra, Venetia Young, Denise Kelly, and Fanny Chu; near center: Leona Wong, Bill Granziano, and Kathy & George Salet; far center: Sharon Eberhardt, Steve Martin, with his guests George Leeds and Mike Foti; far side: Joelle Kenealey, guest of Sharon Eberhardt, Macy Mak Chan, Rebecca Rondeau, Jessica Livsey (taking photo), Imelda Perez, and Zenaida Lawhon; head table: Rose & Mario Benavente, and Robert Lawhon. Photo courtesy of Michael Chan.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - L to R, far side of table: Zenaida Lawhon, Rose & Mario Benavente, and Bob Lawhon; George Salet, closet to camera. Photo courtesy of Michael Chan.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - L to R: near side left: George Salet; center: Steve Martin, with his guests George Leeds and Mike Foti; far side: Macy Mak Chan and Rebecca Rondeau. Photo courtesy of Michael Chan.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Standing: George Salet showing off his Past President’s plaque; seated, l to r: Venetia Young, Ken Ibarra, and Mike Foti. Photo courtesy of Michael Chan.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - L to R: Fanny Chu, Denise Kelly, Venetia Young, Ken Ibarra, and George Salet (near side). Photo courtesy of Michael Chan.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - George Salet receiving his Past President’s plaque from Robert Lawhon. Denise Kelly in lower right corner.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - George Salet’s Past President’s plaque for having served two terms, 2018 - 2020.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Bob Lawhon presenting the Lion of the Year award to recipient Lyle Workman. Photo courtesy of Michael Chan.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Lyle Workman, on right, posing with Robert Lawhon showing off his Lion of the Year award.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Lyle Workman’s Lion of the Year award.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Mario Benavente, displaying his Certificate of Appreciation as installing officer, with Robert Lawhon.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Leona Wong (seated) and Bill Graziano receiving his oath as Lion Tamer.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Standing: Steve Martin and Sharon Eberhardt receiving their oath of office as Directors; seated, l to r: Kathy Salet, George Leeds, and Leona Wong. Photo courtesy of Michael Chan.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Stephen Martin receiving his oath of office as Director.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Sharon Eberhardt receiving her oath of office as Director.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - L to R: Rose & Mario Benavente, performing his duties as installing officer, and Robert Lawhon.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Bob Fenech taking his oath of office as Tail Twister.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Bob Fenech receiving his oath of office as Tail Twister. Photo courtesy of Michael Chan.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Lyle Workman. Photo courtesy of Michael Chan.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Imelda Perez (seated) with Zenaida Lawhon taking her oath of office as Vice President.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Mario Benavente with Bob Lawhon taking his oath of office as President.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Mario Benavente with Bob Lawhon, having taken his oath of office as President.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - President Robert Lawhon. Photo courtesy of Michael Chan.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - L to R, head table: Mario Benavente, Lyle Workman (standing), and Robert Lawhon; left side: Kathy & George Salet; right side: Ken Ibarra, Denise Kelly, and Fanny Chu.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Back left: Bob Lawhon, right: Lyle Workman; Ken Ibarra, right, making a point, with Denise Kelly looking on.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Lyle Workman cleaning things up.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - L to R: Bob & Zenaida Lawhon, Macy Mak Chan, Rebecca Rondeau, and Michael Chan. Photo courtesy of Michael Chan.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - L to R: Bob & Zenaida Lawhon, Macy Mak Chan, Venetia Young, and Rebecca Rondeau. Photo courtesy of Michael Chan.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - L to R: Rebecca Rondeau, Macy Mak Chan, and Steve Martin. Photo courtesy of Michael Chan.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - Denise Kelly and Michael Chan. Photo courtesy of Michael Chan.
7/17/21 - 72nd Installation of Officers, Basque Cultural Center, South San Francisco - L to R: Macy Mak Chan, Denise Kelly, and Michael Chan. Photo courtesy of Michael Chan.
National Night Out - August 3, 2021
8-3-21 - National Night Out; an event partially fund by our donation for Community Activities.
8-3-21 - National Night Out at Ingleside Police Station - Sharon Eberhardt posing with a policewoman while handing out raffle tickets.
8-3-21 - National Night Out at Ingleside Police Station - Zenaida & Bob Lawhon pausing for a photo with Police Chief Bill Scott.
8-3-21 - National Night Out at Ingleside Police Station - L to R: Ingleside Station Captain Nicole Jones, Sharon Eberhardt, SF Police Chief Bill Scott, guest, and Zenaida Lawhon.
8-3-21 - National Night Out at Ingleside Police Station - One of several banners at the event.
8-3-21 - National Night Out at Ingleside Police Station - Bob Lawhon posing with two San Francisco Firemen.
8-3-21 - National Night Out at Ingleside Police Station - L to R: Zenaida Lawhon, Sharon Eberhardt, Ingleside Station Captain Nicole Jones, and SF Police Chief Bill Scott.
Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa - December 10, 2021
12-10-21 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa @ MEC, San Francisco - Firefighters with Los Bomberos, along with Steve Martin (center right) take time to pose before meeting with students.
12-10-21 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa @ MEC, San Francisco - Members of Los Bomberos Firefighters, including Santa, and Steve Martin (second from left).
12-10-21 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa @ MEC, San Francisco - Steve Martin and Bob Lawhon (second and third from left) pose with members of Los Bomberos Firefighters, including Santa.
12-10-21 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa @ MEC, San Francisco - Zenaida Lawhon with Santa.
12-10-21 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa @ MEC, San Francisco - Members of Los Bomberos Firefighters, including Santa.
12-10-21 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa @ MEC, San Francisco - A shy little boy receives his gift from Santa as Los Bomberos Firefighters look on and teachers snap photos.
12-10-21 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa @ MEC, San Francisco - A little girl eyes anothers boy’s gift while others play with theirs.
12-10-21 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa @ MEC, San Francisco - Children pose with Santa and Los Bomberos Firefighters, their teachers, and Steve Martin (last standing on right) after receiving their gifts.
12-10-21 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa @ MEC, San Francisco -
12-10-21 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa @ MEC, San Francisco -
12-10-21 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa @ MEC, San Francisco - A little boy waits patiently to receive his gift from Santa as members of Los Bomberos Firefighters look on.
12-10-21 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa @ MEC, San Francisco - A little girl receives her gift from Santa as her teacher and members of Los Bomberos Firefighters look on.
12-10-21 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa @ MEC, San Francisco - Steve Martin hands out S. F. Sheriff’s stickers out to a row of students.
12-10-21 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa @ MEC, San Francisco - Students happily look their gifts over.
12-10-21 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa @ MEC, San Francisco - Students, with their gifts, pose with Santa and the Los Bomberos Firefighters.
12-10-21 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa @ MEC, San Francisco - A little girl hugs Santa after receiving her gift as others look on.
12-10-21 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa @ MEC, San Francisco - Students, with their gifts, pose with Santa and the Los Bomberos Firefighters. Their teacher is last on the right.
12-10-21 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa @ MEC, San Francisco - Steve Martin hands out S. F. Sheriff’s stickers to students.
12-10-21 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa @ MEC, San Francisco - Students, with their gifts, wait while others receive their gift from Santa.
12-10-21 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa @ MEC, San Francisco - A teacher and her students, with their gifts, pose with Santa and the Los Bomberos Firefighters.
36th Annual Marinated Crab Feed - February 12, 2022
Youth & Community Activities Raffle - April 20, 2022
3-5-22 - Chairman’s home - Just short of 1100 books waiting to have the stubs seperated from the books - about 4 hours to complete the task.
4-10-22 - Chairman’s home - 17,730 stubs for the raffle. Somewhere in there are 20 winners waiting to be drawn.
4-20-22 - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - The last bag of stubs being emptied into the drum by chairman Lyle Workman before the start of the drawing meeting.