2019-20 Photos
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General Photos
7/3/19 - Lions meeting, IASC - R to L: Lions Zenaida Lawhon, President George Salet. Secretary Joe Farrah, and Bob Fenech just finishing the invocation.
7/3/19 - Lions meeting, IASC - Patriotic napkins and 6” flags provided by Lion Sharon Eberhardt for the meeting.
7/3/19 - Lions meeting, IASC - L to R: Lions Secretary Joe Farrah (making a point), Bob Fenech, Bill Graziano, Ward Donnelly, and Lyle Workman (taking notes.)
7/3/19 - Lions meeting, IASC - L to R: Lions Zenaida Lawhon, Sharon Eberhardt, President George Salet, and Secretary Joe Farrah reading minutes of the previous Board meeting. Pennant flags provided by Lions Bob and Zenaida Lawhon.
7/3/19 - Lions meeting, IASC - Patriotically decorated cupcakes, provided by Lion Sharon Eberhardt, and apple pie, provided by Lions Bob and Zenaida Lawhon, for the meeting.
7/8/19 - Facebook - Jordan Farrah and Great Uncle Joe Farrah haveing lunch at Original Joe’s in Westlake.
7/26/19 - Marriott Hotel S. F. Airport - District 4-C4 Cabinet Installation; Lion Zone Chair Sharon Eberhardt (standing, far left) with International President Dr. Lion Jung-Yul Choi (standing center, black suit.)
7/26/19 - Marriott Hotel S. F. Airport - District 4-C4 Cabinet Installation; International President Dr. Lion Jung-Yul Choi (seated center, black suit) with Lion Zone Chair Sharon Eberhardt (standing, 2nd row, 2nd from right.)
11/11/19 - from Roxanne Gentile on Facebook: “Dad‘s boot camp photo, March 1943, San Diego CA. 18 1/2 years old.” 48 star flag in background was added.
12/15/19 - Facebook - Lion Steve Martin, center, in back, in front of exhaust vent hose, helping with the Annual Toys for Tots Drive at SFFD Station 2. Toys collected by Cathay Post 384 of the American Legion.
12/8/19 - Lions Zenaida & Robert Lawhon’s visit to the Pacific Vision Surgery Center - Executive Director of the Lions Eye Foundation of CA-NV, Inc. with Lion Zenaida Lawhon.
12/6/19 - Lions Zenaida & Robert Lawhon’s visit to the Pacific Vision Surgery Center - Executive Director of the Lions Eye Foundation of CA-NV, Inc. with Lion Robert Lawhon.
12/6/19 - Lions Zenaida & Robert Lawhon’s visit to the Pacific Vision Surgery Center - reception area of the Pacific Vision Surgery Center which partners with the Lions Eye Foundation of CA-NV, Inc.
12/6/19 - Lions Zenaida & Robert Lawhon’s visit to the Pacific Vision Surgery Center - patient area in the Pacific Vision Surgery Center.
12/6/19 - Lions Zenaida & Robert Lawhon’s visit to the Pacific Vision Surgery Center - some of those taking the tour of the Pacific Vision Surgery Center with the Lawhons.
12/6/19 - Lions Zenaida & Robert Lawhon’s visit to the Pacific Vision Surgery Center - Lion Zenaida Lawhon in the reception area.
12/6/19 - Lions Zenaida & Robert Lawhon’s visit to the Pacific Vision Surgery Center - meeting some of the leadership of the Pacific Vision Surgery Center.
12/6/19 - Lions Zenaida & Robert Lawhon’s visit to the Pacific Vision Surgery Center - Lion Zenaida Lawhon at the Lions Eye Foundation of CA-NV, Inc.
12/6/19 - Lions Zenaida & Robert Lawhon’s visit to the Pacific Vision Surgery Center - rolling display of donors to the Pacific Vision Surgery Center highlighting the Lions Eye Foundation of CA-NV, Inc.
12/18/19 - Meeting at the IASC - Lions Zenaida and Robert Lawhon’s 52 Anniversary. They were kind enough to share the celebration at the meeting with fellow Lions including bringing their own cake.
12/18/19 - Meeting at the IASC - Lions Zenaida and Robert Lawhon’s 52 Anniversary. They were kind enough to share the celebration at the meeting with fellow Lions including bringing their own cake.
12/18/19 - Meeting at the IASC - Lions Zenaida and Robert Lawhon’s 52 Anniversary. They were kind enough to share the celebration at the meeting with fellow Lions including bringing their own cake.
12/30/19 - From Joseph Farrah on Facebook - Mayor Joe Alioto and George Farrah, Joseph Farrah’s father.
1/15/2020 In Seattle via Facebook - Lion Joe Farrah receiving a loving kiss from daughter Theresa at their joint birthday party.
1/15/2020 In Seattle via Facebook - Theresa Farrah and her father, Lion Joe Farrah, at Theresa's surprise birthday party at a Mediterranean restaurant in Seattle. Joe's 91st birthday was the day before. Photo on right cake is of Joe and Emily Farrah looking down on baby Theresa.
1/15/2020 In Seattle via Facebook - Lion Joe Farrah and daughter Theresa taking time to pose at their joint birthday party.
1/15/2020 In Seattle via Facebook - Theresa Farrah, Lion Joe Farrah, and Zarina Parpia, a housemate of Theresa's who, with another housemate, organized their joint birthday party.
District Governor‘s Visitation - August 21, 2019
8/21/19 - District Governor's Visitation, Italian American Social Club - Lion Michael Chan (on left) with Lion Al Gentile, 63 year member and longest serving Lion in Distriact 4-C4.
8/21/19 - District Governor's Visitation, Italian American Social Club - Lion Joseph Farrah (on left) with Lion Michael Chan.
8/21/19 - District Governor's Visitation, Italian American Social Club - Lion Joseph Farrah, 53 year member, (on left) with Lion Al Gentile, 63 year member and longest serving Lion in Distriact 4-C4.
8/21/19 - District Governor's Visitation, Italian American Social Club - Seated; L to R: Lions RC Eleanor Britter, ZC Aracell Aguilar, PDG Macy Mak-Chan, DG Helen Casaclang, ZC Sharon Eberhardt, 2nd VDG Dr. Jun Valera, and PDG Esther Lee. Standing: Lions Michael Chan, Bob Fenech, Joseph Farrah, Joe Farrah, Al Gentile, Viela du Pont, Zenaida Lawhon, George Salet, Robert Lawhon, Fr. John (St. Phillip’s Church), Bill Graziano, and Ward Donnelly.
8/21/19 - District Governor's Visitation, Italian American Social Club - Lions Joseph Farrah, 53 year member, Al Gentile, 63 year member and longest serving Lion in Distriact 4-C4, and Michael Chan.
Mission Education Center Thanksgiving Luncheon - November 21, 2019
11/21/19 - Mission Education Center Thanksgiving Luncheon - Lion President George Salet (right), with another volunteer, preparing place settings prior to serving luncheon to 230 students.
11/21/19 - Mission Education Center Thanksgiving Luncheon - our Club Banner set in place before students arrive for their thanksgiving luncheon.
11/21/19 - Mission Education Center Thanksgiving Luncheon - the exterior of the Mission Education Center taken while waiting for the luncheon food to be delivered by Boston Market.
11/21/19 - Mission Education Center Thanksgiving Luncheon - pre-school students performing for those present just before luncheon is served. Each classroom had a different performance.
11/21/19 - Mission Education Center Thanksgiving Luncheon - pre-school students performing for those present just before luncheon is served. Each classroom had a different performance.
Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa - December 13, 2019
12/13/19 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa and Los Bomberos Firefighters - children lining up and preparing to sing a song for Santa.
12/13/19 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa and Los Bomberos Firefighters - members of Los Bomberos, Santa, and Principal Deborah Molof enjoying the children’s singing.
12/13/19 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa and Los Bomberos Firefighters - one of the 200 students talking with Santa just before receiving his gift from Santa.
12/13/19 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa and Los Bomberos Firefighters - one of the 200 students eyeing his gift after receiving it from Santa.
12/13/19 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa and Los Bomberos Firefighters - one of the 200 students inspecting Santa’s hands and making sure he has nothing up his sleve before receiving her gift from Santa.
12/13/19 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa and Los Bomberos Firefighters - a few of the 200 students comparing their gifts from Santa.
12/13/19 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa and Los Bomberos Firefighters - some of the gifts on display ready to be given by Santa to the 200 students in the school.
12/13/19 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa and Los Bomberos Firefighters - one of the school classes proudly posing with Santa and members of Los Bomberos Firefighters after receiving their gifts from Santa.
12/13/19 - Mission Education Center Christmas with Santa and Los Bomberos Firefighters - members of Los Bomberos Firefighters, Lion Aaron Straus (purple shirt) next to Lion Robert Lawhon, Geneva-Excelsior Lions member, Santa and Principal Deborah Molof. Lion Aaron was a member of the Mission Lions who founded this program more than 50 years ago.
Student Speaker Contest - January 15, 2020
1/15/20 - Student Speaker Contest at the I.A.S.C - Topic: Homelessness in California: What is the Solution? - Student Xiomara Larkin delivering her speach during the contest.
1/15/20 - Student Speaker Contest at the I.A.S.C - Topic: Homelessness in California: What is the Solution? - Student Michael Gray delivering his speach during the contest.
1/15/20 - Student Speaker Contest at the I.A.S.C - Topic: Homelessness in California: What is the Solution? - Student speaker Michael Gray, Lion Chairman Paul Corvi, Noriz and Henry Larkin, and student speaker Xiomara Larkin.
1/15/20 - Student Speaker Contest at the I.A.S.C - Topic: Homelessness in California: What is the Solution? - Lion Chairman Paul Corvi presenting winner’s check and certificate to Michael Gray. Lion Bob Fenech on the right.
1/15/20 - Student Speaker Contest at the I.A.S.C - Topic: Homelessness in California: What is the Solution? - Lion Chairman Paul Corvi presenting winner’s check and certificate to Michael Gray. Lion Bob Fenech on the right.
1/15/20 - Student Speaker Contest at the I.A.S.C - Topic: Homelessness in California: What is the Solution? - Lion Chairman Paul Corvi presenting winner’s check and certificate to Michael Gray. Lion Bob Fenech on the right.
1/15/20 - Student Speaker Contest at the I.A.S.C - Topic: Homelessness in California: What is the Solution? - Lion Chairman Paul Corvi and student speaker Michael Gray after presention of winner’s check and certificate.
1/15/20 - Student Speaker Contest at the I.A.S.C - Topic: Homelessness in California: What is the Solution? - Lion Chairman Paul Corvi with student speaker Michael Gray showing off his winner’s certificate.
1/15/20 - Student Speaker Contest at the I.A.S.C - Topic: Homelessness in California: What is the Solution? - Lion Chairman Paul Corvi with student speaker Michael Gray showing off his winner’s certificate.
1/15/20 - Student Speaker Contest at the I.A.S.C - Topic: Homelessness in California: What is the Solution? - Lion Chairman Paul Corvi with student speaker Michael Gray showing off his winner’s certificate.
1/15/20 - Student Speaker Contest at the I.A.S.C - Topic: Homelessness in California: What is the Solution? - Lion Chairman Paul Corvi congratulating student speaker Xiomara Larkin and reading her first runner up certificate to the audiance.
1/15/20 - Student Speaker Contest at the I.A.S.C - Topic: Homelessness in California: What is the Solution? - Student speaker Xiomara Larkin proudly posing with Lion Chairman Paul Corvi while accepting her first runner up certificate. Guest judge John Paul on left.
1/15/20 - Student Speaker Contest at the I.A.S.C - Topic: Homelessness in California: What is the Solution? - Student speaker Xiomara Larkin proudly posing with Lion Chairman Paul Corvi while accepting her first runner up certificate.
1/15/20 - Student Speaker Contest at the I.A.S.C - Topic: Homelessness in California: What is the Solution? - Student speaker Xiomara Larkin stands by as Lion Chairman Paul Corvi reads her first runner up certificate to the audiance.
1/15/20 - Student Speaker Contest at the I.A.S.C - Topic: Homelessness in California: What is the Solution? - Student speaker Xiomara Larkin proudly posing with Lion Chairman Paul Corvi while accepting her first runner up certificate.
1/15/20 - Student Speaker Contest at the I.A.S.C - Topic: Homelessness in California: What is the Solution? - Left side of table: Lion Zenaida Lawhon, guest judge Ellen Paul, Elizabeth Crudo (Michael’s mother), student speaker Michael Gray, with Coach Joey Klobas. Far end of head table: Noriz and Henry Larkin with daughter Xiomara Larkin, student speaker. Right side of table: guest judge Kevin Chan and his wife. Rosalinda Corvi, wife of Lion Chairman Paul Corvi, (partly hidden) behind Kevin Chan.
35th Annual Crab Feed - February 8, 2020
2/8/20 - 35th Annual Crab Feed at St. Philip the Apostle Church - by Lion Bob Lawhon - Tables are all set and ready for guests to arrive. Lion Sharon Eberhardt, with friends, in the background.
2/8/20 - 35th Annual Crab Feed at St. Philip the Apostle Church - by Lion Bob Lawhon - The calm before the storm; L to R: Angelo Costanzo (volunteer friend of Lion Bob Fenech), Lions Bob Fenech, Viela du Pont, and Bill Graziano. Rose Ann Harris working in the background.
2/8/20 - 35th Annual Crab Feed at St. Philip the Apostle Church - by Lion Bob Lawhon - Waiting for guest to arrive are, L to R, Lion Zenaida Lawhon, Rose Ann Harris, and Lion Lyle Workman.
2/8/20 - 35th Annual Crab Feed at St. Philip the Apostle Church - by Lion Bob Lawhon - Lion Al Gentile, on left, with some of his guests, enjoying the crab.
2/8/20 - 35th Annual Crab Feed at St. Philip the Apostle Church - by Lion Bob Lawhon - Lion Bill Graziano, on the right, with some of his guests, Rose Ann Harris (in red sweater, working non-stop) with the Lion Sharon Eberhardt and Lion George Salet tables in the background.
2/8/20 - 35th Annual Crab Feed at St. Philip the Apostle Church - by Lion Bob Lawhon - Rosalinda Corvi (in green sweater), wife of Lion Paul Corvi, delivering another tray of crab to the Clews/Jones and Toohey table.
2/8/20 - 35th Annual Crab Feed at St. Philip the Apostle Church - by Lion Bob Lawhon - One end of the Lion George Salet teble (seated in blue shirt at end); Lion Lyle Workman delivering another tray of crab to the table.
2/8/20 - 35th Annual Crab Feed at St. Philip the Apostle Church - by Roxanne Gentile - Crab in the tray ready to be eaten; part of the Clews/Jones group in the background.
2/8/20 - 35th Annual Crab Feed at St. Philip the Apostle Church - by Lion Joe Farrah - Guest Ethel Wallace, who was wearing the gold medallion presented to her mother by Farrah's Dept. Store upon her retirement after 35 years of employment there. Her mother had a very short commute because the family lived in the apartment house at the corner of Mission & Excelsior.
2/8/20 - 35th Annual Crab Feed at St. Philip the Apostle Church - by Lion Bob Lawhon - Lion Lyle Workman delivering empty trays for crab waste to the end of the Lion George Salet table.
2/8/20 - 35th Annual Crab Feed at St. Philip the Apostle Church - by Lion Bob Lawhon - Lion George Salet (seated on left) with wife Kathy and guests just enjoying.
2/8/20 - 35th Annual Crab Feed at St. Philip the Apostle Church - by Lion Bob Lawhon - The end is very near in this photo; the clean up process went very quickly with the help of members and guests.