2018-19 Photos
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General Photos
8/4/18 - Balboa Alumni Picnic, San Bruno - Lion Emily Powell, a driving force in the Balboa Alumni Association, working and having fun at the picnic.
8/10/18 - Cabinet Installation, San Mateo Marriott @ S. F. Airport - Lion Joe Farrah escorting Incoming Zone Chairman Lion Sharon Eberhardt. They are about to be called and enter the Cabinet Installation. They are flanked by Lion PDG Ray Rosenthal of the Foster City Lions.
8/15/18 - Italian American Social Club - Guest speaker SFFD Battalion Chief Sam Lai, a 29 year veteran, speaking to the Club about fire safety, retired fire fighters, and local and city wide fire stations.
8/15/18 - Italian American Social Club - SFFD Firefighter Maiko Bristol and Battalion Chief Sam Lai being presented a Certificate of Appreciation and club banner by Lion President George Salet following Chief Sam's presentation to the club.
8/15/18 - Italian American Social Club - Lion Denise Kelly showing off her Certificate of Appreciation and club banner following her presentation on the North Peninsula Food Pantry & Dining Center in Daly City.
8-27-18 - Lion Steve Martin, newly minted S. F. Deputy Sheriff, very happy to have graduated and be done with bootcamp.
9/19/18 - Guest speaker SFPD Capt. Jack Hart, Italian American Social Club - Lion Sharon Eberhardt (standing) introducing Capt. Jack Hart as guest speaker. From left: Lion Joe Farrah, Capt. Jack Hart, four guests of Lion Sharon Eberhardt, Lion Sharon Eberhardt, Lions Lyle Workman, Zenaida Lawhon (turned toward Lion Sharon), and facing room, Lion Bill Graziano and Steve Martin (on left).
9/19/18 - Guest speaker SFPD Capt. Jack Hart, Italian American Social Club - Capt. Jack Hart giving his remarks. From left: Lions George Salet, Paul Corvi, Joe Farrah, Capt. Jack Hart, four guests of Lion Sharon Eberhardt (dark hair facing Capt. Jack), and Lion Zenaida Lawhon. Nice shot of the back of Lion Bill Graziano’s head.
9/19/18 - Guest speaker SFPD Capt. Jack Hart, Italian American Social Club - Lion President George Salet with Capt. Jack Hart, both displaying Certificates of Recognition received and Club banner.
9/19/18 - Guest speaker SFPD Capt. Jack Hart, Italian American Social Club - Certificate of Recognition presented to our Club by Capt. Jack Hart for donating to the National Night Out which took place in August 2018.
11/19/18 - Letter received from Capt. Jack Hart for our helping to fund the National Night Out which took place on August 7, 2018.
11/19/18 - Certificate received for the Club from Capt. Jack Hart for our helping to fund the National Night Out which took place on August 7, 2018.
12/19/18 - Lion Ken Ibarra, candidate for International Director 2019-2021, with guest speaker certificate, with Lion President George Salet after Lion Ken finished his comments.
12/12/18 - Lion Paul and Rosalinda Corvi at UNESCO Ifugao rice terrace village in the Philippines.
1/11/19 - Lion Joe Farrah celebrating his 90th Birthday on a cruise to Mexico. Left to right: Joe’s daughter Terry Farrah, Lion Joe, and Terry's friends Nick and Deena.
1/16/19 - Club Student Speaker Contest - Lion Paul Corvi presenting a certificate to winner Michael Gray from Riordan High School. Lion President George Salet in the foreground.
1/16/19 - Club Student Speaker Contest - Lion Paul Corvi presenting a certificate to winner Michael Gray from Riordan High School.
3/18/19 - Lion Steve Martin (on right) chillaxing with friends somewhere in San Francisco.
4/4/19 - Bayroot Lebanese Restaurant, Burlingame - Lion Joe Farrah and son Nick enjoying dinner and a good talk.
4/24/19 - Lions Emily Palmer and Joe Farrah catching up after running into each other at Lunardi’s Supermarket. From Terry Farrah.
1951: Corporal Joseph Farrah, wearing a parachute, being transported in a C-47 from Seoul to Susan, South Korea. Joe was assigned to the war crimes section where they investigated and documented atrocities being perpetrated by the enemy.
Installation of Officers - June 20, 2018
06/20/18 - 69th Installation of Officers, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Lion President Sharon Eberhardt showing off the favors she brought for the members and guests.
06/20/18 - 69th Installation of Officers, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Lions Ward Donnelly, Zenaida Lawhon, and Al Gentile.
06/20/18 - 69th Installation of Officers, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Far left and Head Table: Lions Al Gentile, Lion President Sharon Eberhardt, and Joe Farrah. Near table, left: Lions Bob Lawhon and Bill Graziano. Near table right: Kathy and Lion George Salet, incoming President.
06/20/18 - 69th Installation of Officers, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - L to R: Lions Bill Graziano (partial), George Salet, incoming President, Ward Donnelly, Zenaida Lawhon, Al Gentile (partial), and Sharon Eberhardt Eberhardt, outgoing President. As one of his first official acts, Lion George Salet presenting Lion Sharon Eberhardt with her Past Presidents plaque and thanking her for her two years of leadership.
06/20/18 - 69th Installation of Officers, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Lion George Salet, newly installed President, talking about his plans for the coming year.
06/20/18 - 69th Installation of Officers, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Outgoing Lion President Sharon Eberhardt presenting Kathy Salet, incoming President‘s wife, with an orchid and thank you for lending her husband to the club this coming year. L to R: Lion Sharon Eberhardt, Lion George and Kathy Salet. Lion Bill Graziano has his back to camera.
06/20/18 - 69th Installation of Officers, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Newly installed Lion President George and Kathy Salet.
06/20/18 - 69th Installation of Officers, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Outgoing Lion President Sharon Eberhardt presenting newly installed Lion President George Salet with a congratulatory cake.
06/20/18 - 69th Installation of Officers, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Outgoing Lion President Sharon Eberhardt letting newly installed Lion President George Salet that the cake is all about him.
District Governor‘s Visitation - October 17, 2018
10/17/18 - District Governor's Visitation, Italian American Social Club - L to R outside of table: Lions Al Gentile, Zone Chair Jessie Peoples, Regional Chair Richard Loewen, District Governor Lydia Taylor-Bellinger, President George Salet, and Secretary Joe Farrah. Inside table: Lion Bill Graziano (gray shirt), and visiting Lion Hernaldo Martinez from Pedregal, Panama (in vest.) Lion Zone Chair Jessie Peoples introducing Regional Chair Richard Loewen.
10/17/18 - District Governor's Visitation, Italian American Social Club - L to R outside of table: Lions Al Gentile, Zone Chair Jessie Peoples, Regional Chair Richard Loewen, District Governor Lydia Taylor-Bellinger, President George Salet, Secretary Joe Farrah, 1st Vice District Governor Helen Ariz Casaclang, and Sharon Eberhardt. Inside table: Lion Bill Graziano (gray shirt), and visiting Lion Hernaldo Martinez from Pedregal, Panama (in vest.) Lion District Governor Lydia giving her remarks which she kept short and sweet.
10/17/18 - District Governor's Visitation, Italian American Social Club - L to R outside of table: Lions District Governor Lydia Taylor-Bellinger, President George Salet, Secretary Joe Farrah, 1st Vice District Governor Helen Ariz Casaclang, Cabinet Secretary Denise Kelly, and Sharon Eberhardt. Inside table: Lion Bill Graziano (gray shirt), and visiting Lion Hernaldo Martinez from Pedregal, Panama (in vest.) Lion Cabinet Secretary Denise Kelly clarifying some info during the Governor's remarks.
10/17/18 - District Governor's Visitation, Italian American Social Club - L to R outside of table: Lions District Governor Lydia Taylor-Bellinger, President George Salet, Secretary Joe Farrah, 1st Vice District Governor Helen Ariz Casaclang, Cabinet Secretary Denise Kelly, and Sharon Eberhardt. Inside table: visiting Lion Hernaldo Martinez from Pedregal, Panama (in vest.) Lion Cabinet Secretary Denise Kelly talking about District events and the new polo shirts for the District.
10/17/18 - District Governor's Visitation, Italian American Social Club - L to R outside far table: Lions Sharon Eberhardt, and visiting Aaron Straus from Daly City Host Lions. Inside far table: visiting Lion Hernaldo Martinez from Pedregal, Panama (in vest), and guest speaker Carla Vasquez. L to R near table Lion Bill Graziano, Lyle Workman, and Ward Donnelly (just peeking in.) Lion Aaron Straus filling us in on the history of the Mission Education Center project and introducing our guest speaker Carla Vasquez, Principal, MEC.
10/17/18 - District Governor's Visitation, Italian American Social Club - Letter from Lions International congratulating Lion Bob Lawhon on his 20 year anniversary as a Lion plus two distributed gifts from the Lion District Governor Lydia Taylor-Bellinger.
10/17/18 - District Governor's Visitation, Italian American Social Club - L to R: Lion District Governor Lydia Taylor-Bellinger and President George Salet. Lion George is presenting the District Governor with a certificate of appreciation for visiting and keeping us up-to-date on the District.
10/17/18 - District Governor's Visitation, Italian American Social Club - L to R far side: Lions District Governor Lydia Taylor-Bellinger, President George Salet, Secretary Joe Farrah, 1st Vice District Governor Helen Ariz Casaclang, and Cabinet Secretary Denise Kelly. Lion President George Salet presenting a certificate of appreciation to Carla Vasquez, Principal, Mission Education Center, for being our guest speaker and bringing info on the MEC.
MEC Christmas with Santa - December 18, 2018
12/18/18 - Los Bomberos Firefighters with Santa at Mission Education Center - Santa and crew ready for the students to arrive.
12/18/18 - Los Bomberos Firefighters with Santa at Mission Education Center - Santa posing with a lucky kindergarten student.
12/18/18 - Los Bomberos Firefighters with Santa at Mission Education Center - A happy kindergarten student, with her gift from Santa.
12/18/18 - Los Bomberos Firefighters with Santa at Mission Education Center - Santa, and crew, with the kindergarten class.
12/18/18 - Los Bomberos Firefighters with Santa at Mission Education Center - Santa, and crew, with the first grade class.
12/18/18 - Los Bomberos Firefighters with Santa at Mission Education Center - two proud first grade students showing off their Hot Wheels gifts from Santa.
12/18/18 - Los Bomberos Firefighters with Santa at Mission Education Center - Santa, and crew, with the second grade class.
12/18/18 - Los Bomberos Firefighters with Santa at Mission Education Center - Santa eagerly awaiting another class to visit.
12/18/18 - Los Bomberos Firefighters with Santa at Mission Education Center - Santa, and crew, with the third grade class.
12/18/18 - Los Bomberos Firefighters with Santa at Mission Education Center - Santa, with teachers and crew, with the fourth grade class.
12/18/18 - Los Bomberos Firefighters with Santa at Mission Education Center - Lion Zenaida Lawhon takes a quick pose with Santa between classes.
12/18/18 - Los Bomberos Firefighters with Santa at Mission Education Center - Lion Zenaida Lawhon cooling off Santa between classes.
12/18/18 - Los Bomberos Firefighters with Santa at Mission Education Center - A happy third grader receiving his gift from Santa.
12/18/18 - Los Bomberos Firefighters with Santa at Mission Education Center - Santa, with teachers and crew, with the fourth grade class.
12/18/18 - Los Bomberos Firefighters with Santa at Mission Education Center - Santa, some of his crew, and helping Lions Zenaida Lawhon, Bob Lawhon, and President George Salet.
12/18/18 - Los Bomberos Firefighters with Santa at Mission Education Center - Santa, and crew, with the fifth grade class.
12/18/18 - Los Bomberos Firefighters with Santa at Mission Education Center - Some of Santa’s crew, with Lion President George Salet after presentation of a Certificate of Appreciation for their help.
34th Annual Crab Feed - February 23, 2019
2/23/19 - 34th Annual Crab Feed - The setup crew after work had been done. L to R: Lions Bob Fenech (chairman), President George Salet, Ward Donnelly, Bill Graziano, and Stephen Martin, with Lyle Workman behind the camera.
2/23/19 - 34th Annual Crab Feed - Crew placing rolls in bowls shortly after Lion Al Gentile and Arline Thomas brought them in. L to R: Arline Thomas, Lions Bill Graziano, and Ward Donnelly.
2/23/19 - 34th Annual Crab Feed - Putting on the finishing touch, the crab bibs, are L to R: Lions Bill Graziano, President George Salet, and chairman Bob Fenech.
2/23/19 - 34th Annual Crab Feed - Lion Bob Fenech, chairman, stirring the crab marinade before pouring over the crab.
2/23/19 - 34th Annual Crab Feed - Lions Steve Martin and Bob Fenech (chairman) mixing, and distributing the marinade, by pouring from one container to another.
2/23/19 - 34th Annual Crab Feed - Lions Steve Martin and Bob Fenech (chairman) mixing, and distributing the marinade, by pouring from one container to another. Good to the last drop.
2/23/19 - 34th Annual Crab Feed - Dynamo guest Rose Ann Harris preparing the pesto sauce with Lion Bob Fenech (chairman).
2/23/19 - 34th Annual Crab Feed - Lion Al Gentile with friend Arline Thomas arriving at the feed. From Roxanne Gentile via Facebook.
2/23/19 - 34th Annual Crab Feed - Members and guest enjoying themselves after eating; includes parts of the Fenech, Martin, Eberhardt, Salet, and Workman groups. From Roxanne Gentile via Facebook.
2/23/19 - 34th Annual Crab Feed - Lion Bob Lawhon distributing prizes won in the raffle. Prizes were not announced but listed so winners could claim their prize. From Roxanne Gentile via Facebook.
2/23/19 - 34th Annual Crab Feed - Guest Susie Moy with Lion Bob Lawhon, both of whom sold the raffle tickets, displaying the few tickets left and the winning numbers.