2010-11 Photos
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General Photos
6/23/10 - 2010-11 Budget Meeting - Marie Callendar Restaurant, Daly City - Discussing and setting the budget for the coming year are, l to r: Handford Clews, Bre Jones, Charlie Bottarini, George Salet, and Dick Johnson.
7/21/10 - General Meeting - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Outgoing President Lyle Workman “handing off” the gavel to incoming President Bre Jones. On the right is Ward Donnelly.
7/21/10 - General Meeting - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Outgoing President Lyle Workman “handing off” the gavel to incoming President Bre Jones. On the left edge is Joe Farrah and on the right is Ward Donnelly.
7/21/10 - General Meeting - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Bre Jones discusses results from a June 2010 club survey showing likes and dislikes voiced by the membership.
7/21/10 - General Meeting - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Likes and dislikes voiced by the membership from a June 2010 survey.
8/18/10 - Speakers: Mission Education Center - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Bre Jones having a little fun.
8/18/10 - Speakers: Mission Education Center - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Guest speakers Principal Deborah Molof and music treacher Robin Sanders.
8/18/10 - Speakers: Mission Education Center - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Principal Deborah Molof talking about the Mission Education Center while holding a brochure about the school’s history and mission. Far table, far side, l to r: Dick Johnson, Deborah Molof, and Robin Sanders; near side: Diane Johnson; near table, far side: Charles Bottarini; near side, l to r: Margot Clews, LaVerne Cheso, and Handford Clews; head table, l to r: Bre Jones, and Emily & Joe Farrah.
8/18/10 - Speakers: Mission Education Center - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Principal Deborah Molof talking about the Mission Education Center. near table near side, front to back: Dick Johnson, Deborah Molof, and Robin Sanders; far side: Diane Johnson; far table, near side, l to r: Charles Bottarini, and David Demartini; far side, l to r: Handford Clews, LaVerne Cheso, and Margot Clews; head table, l to r: Bre Jones, and Emily & Joe Farrah.
9/15/10 - Speakers: Teen Challenge - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Teen Challenge staff members Rudy Watkins and Ron Oliver just beginning their talk.
9/15/10 - Speakers: Teen Challenge - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Rudy Watkins and Ron Oliver giviing their talk. Near table, near side, front to back: Robert Quinn, George Salet, Mike Castagnetto, Charlie Bottarini, and Bre Jones; far side: Emily & Joe Farrah; far table, near side, l to r: Al Gentile, Diane & Dick Johnson; far side: David Demartini, and Arline Thomas; Ward Donnelly at head table to speakers right.
9/15/10 - Speakers: Teen Challenge - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Rudy Watkins and Ron Oliver giviing their talk. Far table, far side, l to r: Robert Quinn, George Salet, Mike Castagnetto, Charlie Bottarini, and Bre Jones; near side: Emily & Joe Farrah; near table, far side, l to r: Dick & Diane Johnson, and Al Gentile; near side: Arline Thomas, and David Demartini; Ward Donnelly at head table to right of speakers.
9/15/10 - Speakers: Teen Challenge - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Dick Johnson preparing to draw a winner in the raffle; Joe & Emily Farrah and Charlie Bottarini in the foreground.
9/15/10 - Speakers: Teen Challenge - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - David Demartini drawing a winning ticket. Arline Thomas to his right with Al Gentile peeking in.
9/15/10 - Speakers: Teen Challenge - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Rudy Watkins picking a winner while Dick Johnson holds the bag. Ron Oliver and Diane Johnson look on.
9/15/10 - Speakers: Teen Challenge - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Dick Johnson retrieves the winning ticket from Rudy Watkins to announce the winner. Ron Oliver and Diane Johnson look on.
10/20/10 - District Governor Mike Simonini’s Official Visitation - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - L to r, around table: Charlie Bottarini; Stephen Picchi, Cabinet Treasurer; Lydia Taylor-Bellinger, Cabinet Secretary; Carl Tebell, Regional Chairman; Ward Donnelly, Secretary; Bre Jones, President, Michael Simonini, District Governor & wife Jane; Esther Lee, 1st Vice District Governor; Robert Wilson, 2nd Vice District Governor.
10/20/10 - District Governor Mike Simonini’s Official Visitation - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Far table, far side, l to r: guest, Sandra Ige, Handford Clews, LaVerne Cheso, Margot Clews, Dick & Diane Johnson; near side: David Demartini, George Salet, guest; head table, l to r: Al Gentile, Mike Castagnetto, Charlie Bottarini, and Stephen Picchi Cabinet Treasurer.
10/20/10 - District Governor Mike Simonini’s Official Visitation - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - L tor: Lydia Taylor-Bellinger, Cabinet Secretary; Carl Tebell, Regional Chairman; Ward Donnelly, Secretary; Bre Jones, President; Michael Simonini, District Governor & wife Jane; Esther Lee, 1st Vice District Governor; Robert Wilson, 2nd Vice District Governor.
10/20/10 - District Governor Mike Simonini’s Official Visitation - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Far table, far side, l to r: guest, Sandra Ige, Handford Clews, waitress, LaVerne Cheso, Margot Clews, Dick & Diane Johnson; near side: David Demartini, George Salet, guest; head table, l to r: Al Gentile, Mike Castagnetto, Charlie Bottarini, and Stephen Picchi, Cabinet Treasurer. Ward Donnelly peeking in on right.
10/20/10 - District Governor Mike Simonini’s Official Visitation - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Bre Jones introducing Regional Chairman Carl Tebell.
10/20/10 - District Governor Mike Simonini’s Official Visitation - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Regional Chairman Carl Tebell introducing District Governor Michael Simonini.
10/20/10 - District Governor Mike Simonini’s Official Visitation - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - District Governor Michael Simonini caught mid-thought. L to r: Carl Tebell, Ward Donnelly, Bre Jones, Michael & Jane Simonini.
10/20/10 - District Governor Mike Simonini’s Official Visitation - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Left table, left side, l to r: guest, Sandra Ige, Handford Clews, waitress, LaVerne Cheso, Margot Clews, Dick & Diane Johnson; right side: David Demartini, George Salet, guest, and guest; head table, l to r: Al Gentile, Mike Castagnetto, Charlie Bottarini, and Stephen Picchi, Cabinet Treasurer; right table: Lydia Taylor-Bellinger, Cabinet Secretary; Carl Tebell, Regional Chairman; Ward Donnelly, Secretary; Bre Jones, President; Michael Simonini, District Governor & wife Jane; Esther Lee, 1st Vice District Governor; Robert Wilson, 2nd Vice District Governor.
10/20/10 - District Governor Mike Simonini’s Official Visitation - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Left table: Lydia Taylor-Bellinger, Cabinet Secretary; Carl Tebell, Regional Chairman; Ward Donnelly, Secretary; Bre Jones, President; Michael Simonini, District Governor & wife Jane; Esther Lee, 1st Vice District Governor; Robert Wilson, 2nd Vice District Governor; head table, l to r: Stephen Picchi, Cabinet Treasurer, Charlie Bottarini, Mike Castagnetto, and Al Gentile; right table, left side, l to r: guest, guest, George Salet, and David Demartini; right side: Diane & Dick Johnson, Margot & Handford Clews, Sandra Ige, and guest.
10/20/10 - District Governor Mike Simonini’s Official Visitation - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Near table, far side, l to r: guest, guest, and George Salet; head table around to right: Charlie Bottarini; Stephen Picchi, Cabinet Treasurer; Lydia Taylor-Bellinger, Cabinet Secretary; Carl Tebell, Regional Chairman; Ward Donnelly, Secretary; Bre Jones, President; Michael Simonini, District Governor & wife Jane; Esther Lee, 1st Vice District Governor; Robert Wilson, 2nd Vice District Governor.
10/20/10 - District Governor Mike Simonini’s Official Visitation - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Bre Jones presenting our club banner to District Governor Michael Simonini. L to r: Ward Donnelly (naping), Bre Jones, Michael & Jane Simonini.
10/20/10 - District Governor Mike Simonini’s Official Visitation - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Just after presenting our club banner to District Governor Michael Simonini. L to r: Ward Donnelly, Bre Jones, Michael Simonini District Governor.
11/17/10 - Speakers: Balboa High School Alumni Association - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Near table, left side, front to back: Charlie Bottarini, George Salet, Bill Graziano, Robert Quinn, guest; far side: Susan Ritter, Vice Principal, and Kevin Kerr, Principal; far table, near side, l to r: Dick & Diane Johnson, Arline Thomas, Al Gentile, Nick Kafkas (Balboa guest); far side: Handford & Margot Clews, Emily & Joe Farrah, and Enrico Micheli. Ward Donnelly to right of Lions-logo lecturn.
11/17/10 - Speakers: Balboa High School Alumni Association - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Far table, far side, l to r: Charlie Bottarini, George Salet, Bill Graziano, Robert Quinn, four Balboa guests; near side: Susan Emmerich Ritter, Vice Principal, and Kevin Kerr, Principal; near table, far side, l to r: Nick Kafkas (Balboa guest), Al Gentile, Arline Thomas; Diane & Dick Johnson; near side: Emily Powell, Enrico Micheli, Joe Farrah, Margot & Handford Clews; hear table, l to r: Bre Jones, and Ward Donnelly.
11/17/10 - Speakers: Balboa High School Alumni Association - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Balboa High School memorabilia on display.
11/17/10 - Speakers: Balboa High School Alumni Association - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Dick Johnson (standing) talking about selling tickets. Head table: Bre Jones; far table, far side, l to r: LaVerne Cheso, Margot Clews, Emily Farrah, Enrico Micheli, and Emily Powell; near side: Dick & Diane Johnson, Arline Thomas, Al Gentile, and Nick Kafkas (Balboa guest); near table, far side: Kevin Kerr, Principal, Susan Emmerich Ritter, Vice Principal; near side: four Balboa guests, Robert Quinn, and George Salet.
11/17/10 - Speakers: Balboa High School Alumni Association - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Dick Johnson (standing) hawking tickets. Near table, near side, front to back: Handford Clews, LaVerne Cheso, Emily & Joe Farrah, Enrico Micheli; far side, l to r: Nick Kafkas (Balboa guest), Al Gentile, Arline Thomas, and Diane Johnson; far table, near side, l to r: Susan Emmerich Ritter, Vice Principal, and Kevin Kerr, Principal; far side: Charlie Bottarini, George Salet, Bill Graziano, Robert Quinn, and four Balboa guests; head table, l to r: Ward Donnelly, and Bre Jones.
11/17/10 - Speakers: Balboa High School Alumni Association - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Bre Jones, right, with Emily Powell after presentation of Balboa’s Award of Appreciation to the club.
11/17/10 - Speakers: Balboa High School Alumni Association - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - L to r: Al Gentile (seated), Nick Kafkas, Emily Powell, and three Balboa students talking about Balboa.
11/17/10 - Speakers: Balboa High School Alumni Association - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - L to r: Nick Kafkas, Emily Powell, and three Balboa students talking about Balboa.
11/17/10 - Speakers: Balboa High School Alumni Association - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Principal Kevin Kerr giving a talk about what’s going on at Balboa.
11/17/10 - Speakers: Balboa High School Alumni Association - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Vice Principal Susan Emmerich Ritter speaking on the advancement Balboa has been making in academic achievement.
11/17/10 - Speakers: Balboa High School Alumni Association - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Two Balboa student speaking on their experiences at Balboa High School.
3/16/11 - Speakers: Athens Avalon Green Space - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Photo board presentation on the Athens Avalon Green Space.
3/16/11 - Speakers: Athens Avalon Green Space - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Steve Ah Nin (seated to left of board), Darin Greyerbiehl, and Sandra Tanamugsukbovon making their presentation. Left table, near side, front to back: Handford Clews, obscured, David Demartini, Bob Fenech, Robert Quinn, Bill Graziano, and Viela du Pont (obscured, later to become a member); right side: Al Gentile; head, l to r: Charlie Bottarini, and Bre Jones; far table: front to back: George Salet, May Wong (later to become a member), and Emily & Joe Farrah.
3/16/11 - Speakers: Athens Avalon Green Space - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Darin Greyerbiehl making his presentation on the Athens Avalon Green Space.
MEC Thanksgiving Luncheon - November 19, 2010
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Welcome sign in the cafeteria.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Student artwork on display in the school hallway.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Student artwork on display in the school hallway.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Student’s “I’m Thankful” essay on display in the cafeteria. Later in the event, students would read their essays.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Student’s “I’m Thankful” essay on display in the cafeteria. Later in the event, students would read their essays.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Student’s “I’m Thankful” essay on display in the cafeteria. Later in the event, students would read their essays.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Tables set and ready to go. In the background, l to r: Aaron Straus, Bre Jones, Arline Thomas, and Al Gentile.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Table decorations made by students.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Table decorations made by students.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Starting to prepare the food to be served. On the left, front to back, is Aaron Straus, cafeteria worker, and Al Gentile; on the right is Arline Thomas, and Bre Jones.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - View of the Mission Education Center building.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Chaos as student, teachers, guests, and workers begin to fill the cafeteria.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Chaos as student, teachers, guests, and workers begin to fill the cafeteria.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Chaos as student, teachers, guests, and workers begin to fill the cafeteria. Way in the back can be seen, l to r: Al Gentile, Arline Thomas, Bre Jones, Robert Quinn, and Aaron Straus, along with many others.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Students enjoying their first American Thanksgiving.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Student enjoying her first American Thanksgiving.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Students enjoying their first American Thanksgiving.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Student enjoying her first American Thanksgiving.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Student enjoying his first American Thanksgiving.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Looking on, in the back row, are, l to r: Bre Jones, Arline Thomas, Al Gentile, cafeteria worker, Robert Quinn, and Aaron Straus.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Student enjoying her first American Thanksgiving.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Students enjoying their first American Thanksgiving.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Student enjoying her first American Thanksgiving.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Students performing a musical number for everyone.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Students performing a musical number for everyone.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - A student reading his “I’m Thankful” essay.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - A student reading his “I’m Thankful” essay.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Students performing a musical number for everyone.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Students performing a musical number for everyone.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Students performing a musical number for everyone. In the background left are Al Gentile, Arline Thomas, Bre Jones, Robert Quinn, and Aaron Straus.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Students performing a musical number for everyone. In the background left are Al Gentile, Arline Thomas, Bre Jones, Robert Quinn, and Aaron Straus.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Behind the table preparing to dish up the food is, l to r: Al Gentile, Arline Thomas, Robert Quinn (in doorway), and, near wall, Aaron Straus, and Bre Jones, among many others.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Students performing a musical number for everyone.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - A student reading her “I’m Thankful” essay.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Students performing a musical number for everyone.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Students performing a musical number for everyone.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - A student reading his “I’m Thankful” essay.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - A student telling those attending why she’s thankful.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - A student telling those attending why he’s thankful.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - A student telling those attending why he’s thankful.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Dishing up the food, behind the table, far end, l to r: Aaron Straus, cafeteria worker, Al Gentile, and Aline Thomas. Robert Quinn is nearest on this side of table.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Bre Jones reaching across and delivering a plate to a student.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - The food prep line; far end on right side, from the back is: Aaron Straus, Al Gentile, and Arline Thomas.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - The food prep line; far end on right side, from the back is: Aaron Straus, Al Gentile, and Arline Thomas.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Dishing up the food choas. Far side from left: Aaron Straus, Al Gentile, and Arline Thomas.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Dishing it up, left side first three: Aaron Straus, Al Gentile and Arline Thomas. Back near doorway is Robert Quinn looking on.
11/19/10 - Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Dishing it up, left side first three: Aaron Straus, Al Gentile and Arline Thomas. Back near doorway is Robert Quinn looking on.
32nd Annual Charity Raffle - November 28, 2010
11/28/10 - 32nd Annual Giulio Francesconi Charity Raffle - Upstairs Ballroom, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - As the drawing dinner gets doing, the Bottarini table is the first on the left; Dick Johnson, chairman, is standing left-center down the aisle
11/28/10 - 32nd Annual Giulio Francesconi Charity Raffle - Upstairs Ballroom, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Ticket purchasers, and guests, enjoy the roving accordian player, John Fiore.
11/28/10 - 32nd Annual Giulio Francesconi Charity Raffle - Upstairs Ballroom, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - On left: Diane (seated) & Dick Johnson (standing); nearest table: the Bottarini clan with Estelle (purple vest) & Charlie Bottarini; center in very back looking at camera: Leila Roussell; on right in back: Al Gentile (bending over) with Bill Graziano, seated 2nd on his left.
11/28/10 - 32nd Annual Giulio Francesconi Charity Raffle - Upstairs Ballroom, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Guests from the back corner of the room: Helen Habeeb, center in black leather coat; in back, right center, is Bre Jones visiting the Bottarini table; Dick Johnson, center behind table, doing paper work for the raffle.
11/28/10 - 32nd Annual Giulio Francesconi Charity Raffle - Upstairs Ballroom, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Guests enjoying: left-center, standing with gray sweater: Arline Thomas; standing right: Art Pignati and Al Gentile talking; also in the picture: Dick Johnson, Bre Jones, Charlie Bottarini, Diane Johnson, and LaVerne Cheso.
11/28/10 - 32nd Annual Giulio Francesconi Charity Raffle - Upstairs Ballroom, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Numbered ping-pong drawing balls all sorted and ready to be placed in the drawing drum. We allowed those ticket holders present to place their own numbers in the drum.
11/28/10 - 32nd Annual Giulio Francesconi Charity Raffle - Upstairs Ballroom, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - All 275 numbered drawing ping-pong balls; numbers coordiating with unsold tickets were not placed in the drawing drum.
11/28/10 - 32nd Annual Giulio Francesconi Charity Raffle - Upstairs Ballroom, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Charlie Bottarini, left, walking toward the drawing drum, and Dick Johnson announcing that ticket holders can place their numbered balls into the drawing drum.
11/28/10 - 32nd Annual Giulio Francesconi Charity Raffle - Upstairs Ballroom, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Ticket holders picking their numbered balls and waiting in line to place them in the drum under the watchful eye of Charlie Bottarini.
11/28/10 - 32nd Annual Giulio Francesconi Charity Raffle - Upstairs Ballroom, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - A ticket holder asking Charlie Bottarini if his is a guaranteed winner. Perhaps. Al Gentile just over the ticket holder’s shoulder.
11/28/10 - 32nd Annual Giulio Francesconi Charity Raffle - Upstairs Ballroom, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Many of the drawing balls ready to be drawn.
11/28/10 - 32nd Annual Giulio Francesconi Charity Raffle - Upstairs Ballroom, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Charlie Bottarini mixing them up.
11/28/10 - 32nd Annual Giulio Francesconi Charity Raffle - Upstairs Ballroom, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Margot Clews drawing a winner with the help of Charlie Bottarini. As the winners were drawn, the ball was placed in a numbered carton, then, when all had been drawn, they were announced from last prize to Grand Prize.
11/28/10 - 32nd Annual Giulio Francesconi Charity Raffle - Upstairs Ballroom, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Charlie Bottarini mixing them up while waiting for the next person to draw a winner.
11/28/10 - 32nd Annual Giulio Francesconi Charity Raffle - Upstairs Ballroom, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Margot Clews drawing a winner with the help of Charlie Bottarini. As the winners were drawn, the ball was placed in a numbered carton, then, when all had been drawn and winner confirmed from a corresponding list, they were announced from last prize to Grand Prize.
11/28/10 - 32nd Annual Giulio Francesconi Charity Raffle - Upstairs Ballroom, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Dick Johnson looks on as Bre Jones draws another winner while Charlie Bottarini holds the door open.
11/28/10 - 32nd Annual Giulio Francesconi Charity Raffle - Upstairs Ballroom, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Dutch Blanchard draws a winner as Charlie Bottarini holds the door. Robert Quinn is seated on the left in a blue sweater.
11/28/10 - 32nd Annual Giulio Francesconi Charity Raffle - Upstairs Ballroom, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - An out-of-focus Al Gentile draws the next winner with Charlie Bottarini.
11/28/10 - 32nd Annual Giulio Francesconi Charity Raffle - Upstairs Ballroom, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - A happy Joe Farrah thinks he may have drawn his own number, later to find out he didn’t win; Charlie Bottarini keeping a close eye.
11/28/10 - 32nd Annual Giulio Francesconi Charity Raffle - Upstairs Ballroom, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Charlie Bottarini, right, hands Dick Johnson the next winning number. Announcing the winners was a bit clunky as they had to look up the number on a list to see who won.
11/28/10 - 32nd Annual Giulio Francesconi Charity Raffle - Upstairs Ballroom, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Accordianist John Fiore taking a break while the drawing happens.
11/28/10 - 32nd Annual Giulio Francesconi Charity Raffle - Upstairs Ballroom, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Dick Johnson congratulates a winner while making sure of the numbers; Bre Jones is just over Dick’s arm; table to right of winner, l to r: Bill Stipinovich, Kathy & George Salet, and Robert Quinn.
11/28/10 - 32nd Annual Giulio Francesconi Charity Raffle - Upstairs Ballroom, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Charlie Bottarini, right, hands Dick Johnson the next winning number.
11/28/10 - 32nd Annual Giulio Francesconi Charity Raffle - Upstairs Ballroom, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Dick Johnson, left, congratulates a winner. Back, near column, is Diane Johnson; to right of winner is Bre Jones and Estelle Bottarini.
MEC Christmas with Santa - December 17, 2010
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Sampling of the gift-bag gifts given to each of the kindergarten class students.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Sampling of the gift-bag gifts given to each of the first grade class students.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Sampling of the gift-bag gifts given to each of the second grade class students.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Sampling of the gift-bag gifts given to each of the third grade class students.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Sampling of the gift-bag gifts given to each of the fourth grade class students.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Sampling of the gift-bag gifts given to each of the fifth grade class students.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Santa and his helpers just arriving for his visit at the school on a misty Friday morning.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Santa and his helpers just arriving for his visit at the school on a misty Friday morning.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Santa, played by SFPD Officer “Nacho” Martinez, with his elf helpers Nancy Andelin and Terri Majors. Joe Farrah in the background.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Santa, played by SFPD Officer “Nacho” Martinez, with his elf helpers Nancy Andelin and Terri Majors. Joe & Emily Farrah in the background.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Santa with his elf helpers waiting for the classes to arrive, one at a time. Principal Deborah Molof and her assistant in the background.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Santa with his elf helpers look on as the kindergarten class arrives. Principal Deborah Molof, on the right, guides them into the room as her assistant takes photos.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - The teacher, her assistant, and students of the kindergarten class pose with Santa and his Elves.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - The teacher, her assistant, and students of the kindergarten class pose with Santa and his Elves.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - A cafeteria worker and an assistant teacher pause to pose with Santa and his Elves.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Principal Deborah Molof, right, and her assistant, left, take time to pose with Santa and his Elves.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Principal Deborah Molof, right, and her assistant, left, take time to pose with Santa and his Elves.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Principal Deborah Molof, right, and her assistant, left, help the first grade class line up with their teacher for their visit with Santa.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - The first grade class singing a song for Santa.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - The first grade class singing a song for Santa.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - The first grade class singing a song for Santa.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - The teacher and first grade students pose with Santa and his Elves.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - The teacher and first grade students pose with Santa and his Elves.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - Students in the second grade class come in and nervously line up to perform for Santa and Company.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - The second grade class says “Hello” to Santa before performing their song.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - The second grade class performs their song for Santa and his Eleves.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - The second grade class performs their song for Santa and his Eleves.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - The second grade class performs their song for Santa and his Eleves.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - The second grade class performs their song for Santa and his Eleves as their teacher looks on.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - The second grade class performs their song for Santa and his Eleves. The next class begins to enter as the class finishes up their performance.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - The teacher and second grade students pose with Santa and his Elves.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - The teacher and second grade students pose with Santa and his Elves.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - A larger class, perhaps fifth graders, lines up to greet Santa and his Eleves.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - The teacher and students, perhaps fifth graders, pose with Santa and his Elves.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - The teacher and students, perhaps fifth graders, pose with Santa and his Elves.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - A class, perhaps fourth graders, performs their musical number using recorders, as Santa and his Eleves look on.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - A class, perhaps fourth graders, performs their musical number using recorders, as Santa and his Eleves look on.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - A class, perhaps fourth graders, performs their musical number using recorders, as Santa and his Eleves look on.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - The teacher and students, perhaps fourth graders, pose with Santa and his Elves.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - The teacher and students, perhaps fourth graders, pose with Santa and his Elves.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - The third grade class performs as their teacher, Principal Deborah Molof, and Santa & Company look on.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - The third grade class performs as their teacher, Principal Deborah Molof, and Santa & Company look on.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - The third grade teacher take time to pose with Santa and his Elves.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - The teacher and third grade students pose with Santa and his Elves.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - The teacher and third grade students pose with Santa and his Elves.
12/17/10 - Annual Christmas with Santa - Mission Education Center, San Francisco - L to R; back row: elf, SFPD officer, and Emily & Joe Farrah; front row: elf, Santa, played by SFPD Officer “Nacho” Martinez, and Principal Deborah Molof. Santa’s elves were Nancy Andelin and Terri Majors.
Student Speaker Contest - February 16, 2011
2/16/11 - Annual Student Speaker Contest - Topic: “Enforcing Our Borders: State versus Federal Rights” - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - A full house looks on as Paul Corvi reads the contest rules. Near table; left side, front to back: Bob Fenech, Robert Quinn, Ward Donnelly, Emily Powell, Enrico Micheli, Mike Castagnatto, and Charles Bottarini; far side: Bill Graziano, George Salet, and Emily & Joe Farrah; head table, l to r: Bill Stipinovich, Paul Corvi, Bre Jones, speakers: Jason Wu, Stephanie Sin, and Catherine Suen; left side: l to r: Handford Clews, John Propster, and Terence Abad.
2/16/11 - Annual Student Speaker Contest - Topic: “Enforcing Our Borders: State versus Federal Rights” - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - A full house looks on as Paul Corvi reads the contest rules. Far table, far side, l to r: Mike Castagnatto, and Charles Bottarini; near side: Emily & Joe Farrah; head table, l to r: Bill Stipinovich, Paul Corvi, Bre Jones, speakers: Jason Wu, Stephanie Sin, and Catherine Suen; near table, left side: l to r: wife & John Paul, guest, Terence Abad, and John Propster; right side: Ric Michell, Frank Gelini, Al Gentile, Arline Thomas, and Margo & Handford Clews.
2/16/11 - Annual Student Speaker Contest - Topic: “Enforcing Our Borders: State versus Federal Rights” - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Our speakers: Jason Wu from Washington High School, Stephanie Sin and Catherine Suen, from Lowell High School.
2/16/11 - Annual Student Speaker Contest - Topic: “Enforcing Our Borders: State versus Federal Rights” - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Our speakers: Jason Wu from Washington High School, Stephanie Sin and Catherine Suen, from Lowell High School.
2/16/11 - Annual Student Speaker Contest - Topic: “Enforcing Our Borders: State versus Federal Rights” - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Emily Powell presenting to the club a “We Appreciate You” award from the Balboa Student Association and the Balboa Alumni Association.
2/16/11 - Annual Student Speaker Contest - Topic: “Enforcing Our Borders: State versus Federal Rights” - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Emily Powell presenting to the club a “We Appreciate You” award from the Balboa Student Association and the Balboa Alumni Association. Far table; far side, L to R: Bob Fenech, Robert Quinn, Ward Donnelly, Enrico Micheli, Mike Castagnatto, and Charles Bottarini; near side: Bill Graziano, George Salet, and Emily & Joe Farrah; head table, l to r: Bill Stipinovich, Paul Corvi, Bre Jones, speakers: Jason Wu, Stephanie Sin, and Catherine Suen; near table, left side: l to r: wife & John Paul, guest, Terence Abad, and John Propster; right side: Ric Michell, Frank Gelini, Al Gentile, Arline Thomas, and Margo & Handford Clews.
2/16/11 - Annual Student Speaker Contest - Topic: “Enforcing Our Borders: State versus Federal Rights” - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Winner Stephanie Sin, from Lowell High School, receives her certificate and check from Paul Corvi as Bre Jones looks on.
2/16/11 - Annual Student Speaker Contest - Topic: “Enforcing Our Borders: State versus Federal Rights” - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Participant Catherine Suen, from Lowell High School, receives her certificate and check from Paul Corvi as Bre Jones looks on.
2/16/11 - Annual Student Speaker Contest - Topic: “Enforcing Our Borders: State versus Federal Rights” - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Participant Jason Wu, from Washington High School, receives her certificate and check from Paul Corvi as Bre Jones looks on.
2/16/11 - Annual Student Speaker Contest - Topic: “Enforcing Our Borders: State versus Federal Rights” - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Paul Corvi presenting Enrico Micheli a Certificate of Appreciation while, l to r, Emily Powell, Mike Castagnetto, and Charles Bottarini look on.
2/16/11 - Annual Student Speaker Contest - Topic: “Enforcing Our Borders: State versus Federal Rights” - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Zone Chairman Bill Stipinovich announces when the Zone Student Speaker Contest will take place along with Paul Corvi and Bre Jones.
28th Annual Crab Feed - February 19, 2011
2/19/11 - 28th Annual Castagnetto / Spediacci Memorial Crab Feed - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Adding the marinade to the crab first thing in the morning is, l to r: Mike Castagnetto, Jr., Mick Dimas, Al Gentile, and a helper.
2/19/11 - 28th Annual Castagnetto / Spediacci Memorial Crab Feed - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Adding the marinade to the crab first thing in the morning is, l to r: Mike Castagnetto, Jr., Mick Dimas, Al Gentile, and a helper.
2/19/11 - 28th Annual Castagnetto / Spediacci Memorial Crab Feed - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Adding the marinade to the crab first thing in the morning is, l to r: Mike Castagnetto, Jr., Mick Dimas, Al Gentile, and a helper.
2/19/11 - 28th Annual Castagnetto / Spediacci Memorial Crab Feed - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Getting the kitchen up and running are, l to r: helper, Mike Castagnetto, Jr., Mike Castagnetto, helper, and Mick Dimas.
2/19/11 - 28th Annual Castagnetto / Spediacci Memorial Crab Feed - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - The back dining room before being set up.
2/19/11 - 28th Annual Castagnetto / Spediacci Memorial Crab Feed - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Linda Workman, left, talking with Bre Jones just as the event is beginning. Others coming in and checking in.
2/19/11 - 28th Annual Castagnetto / Spediacci Memorial Crab Feed - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Linda Workman, left, talking with Bre Jones just as the event is beginning. Others coming in and checking in.
2/19/11 - 28th Annual Castagnetto / Spediacci Memorial Crab Feed - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Members and guests coming in and looking for family and friends. Center, in blue jacket, is Joe & Emily Farrah; sitting just past the jukebox is Bill Mayta.
2/19/11 - 28th Annual Castagnetto / Spediacci Memorial Crab Feed - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - The front dining room all set and ready to go.
2/19/11 - 28th Annual Castagnetto / Spediacci Memorial Crab Feed - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - A guest reserving his spot in teh front dining room.
2/19/11 - 28th Annual Castagnetto / Spediacci Memorial Crab Feed - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - The back dining room set and ready to go.
2/19/11 - 28th Annual Castagnetto / Spediacci Memorial Crab Feed - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Members and guest enjoying pre-dinner drinks. Standing at left bottom is Diane & Ward Donnelly; also in the crowd is: John Jones and Charlie Bottarini.
2/19/11 - 28th Annual Castagnetto / Spediacci Memorial Crab Feed - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Getting more crowded as dinner approaches; in the crowd is Yvette & John Peters and Bill Mayta.
2/19/11 - 28th Annual Castagnetto / Spediacci Memorial Crab Feed - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - The overflow crowd in the hors d’oeuvres area - off in the left corner is Arline Thomas; lower right is George Salet.
2/19/11 - 28th Annual Castagnetto / Spediacci Memorial Crab Feed - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Dinner has begin in the back dining room. Center table, right end, near side is Rick & Kate Wright, with Linda Workman. Also in the room is Al Gentile, and our roaming accordianist.
2/19/11 - 28th Annual Castagnetto / Spediacci Memorial Crab Feed - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Members and guests enjoying their salads. In the photo are: Linda Worman, Al Gentile, and Robert Quinn.
2/19/11 - 28th Annual Castagnetto / Spediacci Memorial Crab Feed - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Members and guests enjoying their salads. In the photo are: Joe Farrah, Handford Clews, and Bill Mayta.
2/19/11 - 28th Annual Castagnetto / Spediacci Memorial Crab Feed - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Members and guests finishing up their salads. In the photo are: right end of center table: Ward & Diane Donnelly, backed by Handford Clews.
2/19/11 - 28th Annual Castagnetto / Spediacci Memorial Crab Feed - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Members and guests finishing up their salads. In the photo are: end of center table: Estelle & Charlie Bottarini; also Dick Johnson, Al Gentile, and George & Kathy Salet.
2/19/11 - 28th Annual Castagnetto / Spediacci Memorial Crab Feed - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - The crab finally has arrived and is being enjoyed by all.
2/19/11 - 28th Annual Castagnetto / Spediacci Memorial Crab Feed - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - The crab finally has arrived and is being enjoyed by all.
2/19/11 - 28th Annual Castagnetto / Spediacci Memorial Crab Feed - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Helping to celebrate Charlie Bottarini’s 90th Birthday. His birthday was on February 16th, three days before the crab feed.
2/19/11 - 28th Annual Castagnetto / Spediacci Memorial Crab Feed - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Having eaten all they can, everyone starts to relax. In the photo is: Bill Graziano, Bill Mayta, George Salet, and, this end of the table, Handford & Margot Clews.
2/19/11 - 28th Annual Castagnetto / Spediacci Memorial Crab Feed - Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Everyone listening to a raffle announcement from the end of the room. In the photo is: Diane Donnelly, Bob Fenech & Leona Wong, Bill Graziano, and Handford Clews, closest to the camera.