2008-09 Photos
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General Photos
3/18/09 - Bertolucci’s Ristorante, South San Francisco - Guest Speaker: Michelle Ramirez with Coalition of Concerned Medical Professionals - Left side, front to back: Michelle Salet, Barbra Salet, John & Yvette Peters, Bill Graziano, Diane & Dick Johnson, Lorraine & Mike Castagnetto, George & Kathy Salet, and Al Gentile; right side: Joe Farrah, Bob Fenech, Dr. June Chun, Pat & Galdo Pavini, Ward Donnelly, and Michelle Ramirez.
3/18/09 - Bertolucci’s Ristorante, South San Francisco - Guest Speaker: Michelle Ramirez with Coalition of Concerned Medical Professionals - L to R: Estelle Bottarini (partial), Lorraine & Mike Castagnetto, George & Kathy Salet, and Al Gentile.
3/18/09 - Bertolucci’s Ristorante, South San Francisco - Guest Speaker: Michelle Ramirez with Coalition of Concerned Medical Professionals - Left side, front to back: Yvette Peters, Bill Graziano, Diane & Dick Johnson, Charlie & Estelle Bottarini, Lorraine & Mike Castagnetto, George & Kathy Salet, and Al Gentile & Arline Thomas; right side: Dr. June Chun, Pat & Galdo Pavini, and Ward & Diane Donnelly.
3/18/09 - Bertolucci’s Ristorante, South San Francisco - Guest Speaker: Michelle Ramirez with Coalition of Concerned Medical Professionals - L to R: Charlie & Estelle Bottarini, Lorraine & Mike Castagnetto, George Salet, Ester Lee, candidate for 2nd Vice District Governor, Kathy Salet, and Al Gentile & Arline Thomas.
3/18/09 - Bertolucci’s Ristorante, South San Francisco - Guest Speaker: Michelle Ramirez with Coalition of Concerned Medical Professionals - L to R: Estelle Bottarini, Lorraine & Mike Castagnetto, George Salet, Ester Lee, candidate for 2nd Vice District Governor, Kathy Salet, and Al Gentile.
3/18/09 - Bertolucci’s Ristorante, South San Francisco - Guest Speaker: Michelle Ramirez with Coalition of Concerned Medical Professionals - L to R: Al Gentile, Arline Thomas, and guest speaker Michelle Ramirez.
3/18/09 - Bertolucci’s Ristorante, South San Francisco - Guest Speaker: Michelle Ramirez with Coalition of Concerned Medical Professionals - Front to back, left: guest spaker Michelle Ramirez (red sweater), Ward Donnelly, Galdo & Pat Pavini, Dr. June Chun, Bob Fenech, and Joe Farrah; head, on left: Arline Thomas & Al Gentile, Kathy & George Salet; right: Lorraine Castagnetto, Estelle & Charlie Bottarini, Dick & Diane Johnson, and Michelle Salet on end.
3/18/09 - Bertolucci’s Ristorante, South San Francisco - Guest Speaker: Michelle Ramirez with Coalition of Concerned Medical Professionals - L to R: Al Gentile (partial) & Arline Thomas, guest speaker Michelle Ramirez, and her assistant Rose.
3/18/09 - Bertolucci’s Ristorante, South San Francisco - Guest Speaker: Michelle Ramirez with Coalition of Concerned Medical Professionals - L to R: Galdo & Pat Pavini, and Dr. June Chun.
Student Speaker Contest - February 18, 2009
2/18/09 - Granada Cafe, San Francisco - Club Student Speaker Contest - topic “Water - Will California Be Left High and Dry” - L to R, far side: judge Maurice Fitzgerald, Arline Thomas, David Demartini, and Handford Clews; center, far side: Joe & Emily Farrah, Enrico Micheli, guest Kelenia Olsen, and Bob Fenech; head table: George Salet; center, near side: La Verne Cheso, Jackie Lowe, and Bill Graziano; near side: Margot Clews, guest, Mr. Lessard, student speaker Chloe Lessard from Mercy High, and coach Gail Chastain.
2/18/09 - Granada Cafe, San Francisco - Club Student Speaker Contest - topic “Water - Will California Be Left High and Dry” - L to R, far side: judge Frank Gelini, judge Maurice Fitzgerald, Al Gentile & Arline Thomas, David Demartini, and Handford Clews; center, far side: guest, Emily Farrah, judge Enrico Micheli, guest Kelenia Olsen, and Bob Fenech; head table: George Salet, and Joe Farrah (at podium); center, near side: Bill Stipinovich La Verne Cheso, Jackie & Jerry Lowe, and Bill Graziano; near side: Margot Clews, guest, Mr. Lessard, student speaker Chloe Lessard from Mercy High, and coach Gail Chastain.
2/18/09 - Granada Cafe, San Francisco - Club Student Speaker Contest - topic “Water - Will California Be Left High and Dry” - Chloe Lessard, from Mercy High School, winner of the Student Speaker Contest.
2/18/09 - Granada Cafe, San Francisco - Club Student Speaker Contest - topic “Water - Will California Be Left High and Dry” - L to R: Bob Fenech, Joe Farrah, and Chloe Lessard. Joe Farrah presenting the winner of the contest with her check.
2/18/09 - Granada Cafe, San Francisco - Club Student Speaker Contest - topic “Water - Will California Be Left High and Dry” - Joe Farrah, and Chloe Lessard. Joe Farrah presenting the winner’s plaque to Chloe.
2/18/09 - Granada Cafe, San Francisco - Club Student Speaker Contest - topic “Water - Will California Be Left High and Dry” - L to R: judge Maurice Fitzgerald, and Al Gentile.
2/18/09 - Granada Cafe, San Francisco - Club Student Speaker Contest - topic “Water - Will California Be Left High and Dry” - L to R: judge Frank Gelini, and judge Maurice Fitzgerald.
2/18/09 - Granada Cafe, San Francisco - Club Student Speaker Contest - topic “Water - Will California Be Left High and Dry” - L to R: the three judges Maurice Fitzgerald, Enrico Micheli, and Frank Gelini, winner Chloe Lessard, and Joe Farrah.
2/18/09 - Granada Cafe, San Francisco - Club Student Speaker Contest - topic “Water - Will California Be Left High and Dry” - L to R: the three judges Maurice Fitzgerald, Enrico Micheli, and Frank Gelini, winner Chloe Lessard, and Joe Farrah.
2/18/09 - Granada Cafe, San Francisco - Club Student Speaker Contest - topic “Water - Will California Be Left High and Dry” - L to R: the three judges Maurice Fitzgerald, Enrico Micheli, and Frank Gelini, winner Chloe Lessard, and Joe Farrah.