2004-05 Photos
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General Photos
8/14/04 - An unidentified Police Officer, Bob Lawhon, and Captain Paul Chignell. Bob Lawhon is presenting Capt. Chignell with a Certificate of Appreciation in connection with the Police & Firefighters Awards.
9/1/04 - Granada Cafe - A busy Business & Board Meeting. On the left are George Salet, and Dick Johnson. Center, starting at the head table is Bre Martinez, Bill Graziano, Al Gentile, Aaron Straus, and Lyle Workman. Standing is President Bob Lawhon. Other Lions and guest are in the background.
10/20/04 - Cliff House Restaurant, Terrace Room - George Salet proudly posing with 49er cheerleaders Wendy and Kristen.
11/10/04 - Granada Cafe - Al Gentile (left) and Aaron Straus displaying two of our entries in the Peace Poster Contest. The participating schools were Corpus Christi, St. Elizabeth, St. John and Cornerstone Academy. The theme for this year's competition was “Give Peace A Chance.” Seated on left is Bill Graziano.
11/10/04 - Granada Cafe - Al Gentile (left) and Aaron Straus displaying two of our entries in the Peace Poster Contest. The participating schools were Corpus Christi, St. Elizabeth, St. John and Cornerstone Academy. The theme for this year's competition was “Give Peace A Chance.” Attentive Lion members look on the display.
12/17/04 - Mission Educational Center - Bill Graziano helps Santa present gifts to students while Joe Farrah stands by in support.
1/5/05 - Granada Cafe - Charlie Bottarini receiving a certificate from Lions International celebrating his 50 years of service as a Lions member.
1/19/05 - Granada Cafe - Our guest speakers, the Guardian Angels, which are a volunteer organization committed to the safety and well being of the community. Shown are a Guardian Angel member, leader Juan Carlos Morales, President Bob Lawhon presenting a Certificate of Appreciation, and another member of the Angels.
1/19/05 - Granada Cafe - L to R: Charlie Bottarini, Joe Farrah, Gerald Lowe, and George Salet listening to our guest speakers, the Guardian Angels.
1/19/05 - Granada Cafe - L to R: Al Gentile, Charlie Bottarini, Joe Farrah, Sheriar Irani, and Aaron Straus (over Joe's shoulder) following our guest speaker's presentation. Al and Charlie have their Crab Feed tickets in hands.
1/19/05 - Granada Cafe - L to R: guest Ernie Braun, with Ward Donnelly, Bill Graziano, and Handford Clews following our guest speaker's presentation. Handford is counting out Crab Feed tickets for members.
6/8/05 - L to R: Bob Lawhon, Joe Farrah, with Donna Francesconi, and Bill Graziano, Gerald Lowe (pulling up hood), and Al Gentile gathered at the recently installed Giulio Francesconi “Barbary Coast Trail” memorial plaque on Washington Square’s sidewalk opposite Moose's Restaurant.
6/8/05 - L to R: Sheriar Irani, Bob Lawhon, Joe Farrah, with Donna Francesconi, gathered at the recently installed Giulio Francesconi “Barbary Coast Trail” memorial plaque on Washington Square's sidewalk opposite Moose's Restaurant.
6/8/05 - The recently installed Giulio Francesconi “Barbary Coast Trail” memorial plaque on Washington Square's sidewalk opposite Moose's Restaurant with a photo of the late Giulio Francesconi.
9/1/04 - Granada Cafe - A busy Business & Board Meeting. On the left are George Salet, and Dick Johnson. Center, starting at the head table is Bre Martinez, Bill Graziano, Al Gentile, Aaron Straus, and Lyle Workman. Standing is President Bob Lawhon. Other Lions and guest are in the background.
Lowell High School Leo Club Photos
12/15/04 - Lowell Leo Club - Leo members displaying their Club Charter. District Governor Eugene Chan is holding the charter, with Al Russell and Bob Lawhon on his left.
12/15/04 - Lowell Leo Club - Leo members displaying their Club Charter. Al Russell on far left with District Governor Eugene Chan next to banner. Bob Lawhon is just right of the banner in the back.
3/4/05 - Lowell Leo Club - Members of the Leos display Leo and Lions information at a fair at their school while discussing membership with other students.
3/4/05 - Lowell Leo Club - Members of the Leos display Leo and Lions information at a fair at their school while discussing membership with other students.
3/4/05 - Lowell Leo Club - Members of the Leos display Leo and Lions information at a fair at their school while discussing membership with an other student.
3/4/05 - Lowell Leo Club - Members of the Leos display Leo and Lions information at a fair at their school.
3/4/05 - Lowell Leo Club - Members of the Leos display Leo and Lions information at a fair at their school.
3/4/05 - Lowell Leo Club - Members of the Leos display Leo and Lions information at a fair at their school while discussing membership with other students.
3/4/05 - Lowell Leo Club - Members of the Leos display Leo and Lions information at a fair at their school.
3/4/05 - Lowell Leo Club - Members of the Leos display Leo and Lions information at a fair at their school.
6/30/05 - Lowell Leo Club - The Leo Club mascot taking it easy with the Geneva-Mission banner.
Club Christmas Party - December 4, 2004
12/8/04 - Club Christmas Party, Ristorante Mar, Pacifica - Members and guests singing Christmas carols, led by Handford Clews. (standing). Next to Handford is Aaron Straus and Diane Donnelly (backs to camera). Opposite side, end of table, is Margot Clews, Kathy & George Salet, and Joe & Emily Farrah.
12/8/04 - Club Christmas Party, Ristorante Mar, Pacifica - Members and guests singing Christmas carols, led by Handford Clews (standing). From left: guest, Al Gentile, Ted & Vernelle Wildenradt, and a guest. Charlie Bottarini is seated just below Handford.
12/8/04 - Club Christmas Party, Ristorante Mar, Pacifica - Members and guests singing Christmas carols, led by Handford Clews (standing). From left: Al Gentile, Ted & Vernelle Wildenradt, and a guest couple. Charlie & Estelle Bottarini are seated just below Handford.
12/8/04 - Club Christmas Party, Ristorante Mar, Pacifica - Members and guests singing Christmas carols, led by Handford Clews (standing). From left: Ted Wildenradt, and a guest. Opposite side, center is Mike & Lorraine Castagnetto, Estelle & Charlie Bottarini. Behind Handford is Ward & Diane Donnelly.
23rd Annual Crab Feed - February 26, 2005
2/26/05 - Recreation Center For the Handicapped, San Francisco - 23rd Annual Crab Feed - 429 attending - L to R: Mike Castagnetto, Jr., guest helper, Brad Barisic, and Mike Castagnetto, Chef Supreme.
2/26/05 - Recreation Center For the Handicapped, San Francisco - 23rd Annual Crab Feed - 429 attending - L to R: guest, Mike Castagnetto, Jr., guest helper, Brad Barisic, and Mike Castagnetto, Chef Supreme, and a kitchen helper.
2/26/05 - Recreation Center For the Handicapped, San Francisco - 23rd Annual Crab Feed - 429 attending - guests being served at the open bar by Charlie Bottarini (in apron).
2/26/05 - Recreation Center For the Handicapped, San Francisco - 23rd Annual Crab Feed - 429 attending - guests being served at the open bar by Charlie Bottarini (in apron) and his son-in-law Mark Ramezzano.
2/26/05 - Recreation Center For the Handicapped, San Francisco - 23rd Annual Crab Feed - 429 attending - Guests being served at the open bar before dinner. Opposite end of bar serving is Charlie Bottarini, Mark Ramezzano, guest helper, and Al Gentile.
2/26/05 - Recreation Center For the Handicapped, San Francisco - 23rd Annual Crab Feed - 429 attending - Charlie Bottarini, standing, talking with guests.
2/26/05 - Recreation Center For the Handicapped, San Francisco - 23rd Annual Crab Feed - 429 attending - guests having a great time!
2/26/05 - Recreation Center For the Handicapped, San Francisco - 23rd Annual Crab Feed - 429 attending - guests having dinner. Lyle Workman, waving, and Bob Fenech to his left.
2/26/05 - Recreation Center For the Handicapped, San Francisco - 23rd Annual Crab Feed - 429 attending - Al Gentile, standing, checking in with guests.
2/26/05 - Recreation Center For the Handicapped, San Francisco - 23rd Annual Crab Feed - 429 attending - a small part of Bill Graziano's (he's is the one talking with his hands) group enjoying dinner.
2/26/05 - Recreation Center For the Handicapped, San Francisco - 23rd Annual Crab Feed - 429 attending - everyone enjoying diner.
2/26/05 - Recreation Center For the Handicapped, San Francisco - 23rd Annual Crab Feed - 429 attending - members and guests enjoying dinner. Sheriar Irani (center row with glasses and bib on), with Diane Donnelly at foreground table in white blouse.
2/26/05 - Recreation Center For the Handicapped, San Francisco - 23rd Annual Crab Feed - 429 attending - Letting everyone in attendance know who we are.
2/26/05 - Recreation Center For the Handicapped, San Francisco - 23rd Annual Crab Feed - 429 attending - enjoying dinner; Ted (hands only) & Vernelle Wildenradt in lower left, and Ward Donnelly two places down shouting something.
2/26/05 - Recreation Center For the Handicapped, San Francisco - 23rd Annual Crab Feed - 429 attending - Guests enjoying the dinner.
2/26/05 - Recreation Center For the Handicapped, San Francisco - 23rd Annual Crab Feed - 429 attending - Ward & Diane Donnelly getting ready to draw tickets in the raffle.
2/26/05 - Recreation Center For the Handicapped, San Francisco - 23rd Annual Crab Feed - 429 attending - Guests enjoying dancing following dinner.
Ladies’ Luncheon - March 19, 2005
3/19/05 - Ladies Luncheon honoring our late Lions, Italian American Social Club - Prepared tables awaiting members and guests.
3/19/05 - Ladies Luncheon honoring our late Lions, Italian American Social Club - closest table, left: Mike Castagnetto, Vernelle Wildenradt, guest, guest, Emily & Joe Farrah, and Irene Tonelli (back to camera). Far table: Ted Wildenradt (white shirt), Jeanette Pavini, guest, Galdo & Pat Pavini, guest, and Charlie & Estelle Bottarini.
3/19/05 - Ladies Luncheon honoring our late Lions, Italian American Social Club - Far table: Ted Wildenradt (white shirt), Jeanette Pavini, guest, Galdo (standing) & Pat Pavini, guest, Charlie & Estelle Bottarini. Mike Castagnetto at close table.
3/19/05 - Ladies Luncheon honoring our late Lions, Italian American Social Club - Members and guest listening to Galdo Pavini (standing). Ed Damonte is on the left, finger on lip.
3/19/05 - Ladies Luncheon honoring our late Lions, Italian American Social Club - Jeanette Pavini, guest speaker, showing a video on what goes on in the studio to put a report or newscast together. Then she played tapes of her consumer reports on comparative prescription prices and an investigative report on an operator who fraudulently accepts donated automobiles intended as charitable contributions.
3/19/05 - Ladies Luncheon honoring our late Lions, Italian American Social Club - Jeanette Pavini, guest speaker, making her presentation as members and guests look on.
3/19/05 - Ladies Luncheon honoring our late Lions, Italian American Social Club - Jeanette Pavini, guest speaker, with her parents, Galdo & Pat Pavini.
3/19/05 - Ladies Luncheon honoring our late Lions, Italian American Social Club - Jeanette Pavini, our guest speaker.