1983-84 Photos
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General Photos
Installation of Officers - July 9, 1983
7/9/83 - 33rd Installation of Officers, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Installation program; cover.
7/9/83 - 33rd Installation of Officers, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Installation program; inside left.
7/9/83 - 33rd Installation of Officers, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Installation program; inside right.
7/9/83 - 33rd Installation of Officers, Italian American Social Club, San Francisco - Installation program; back cover.
District Convention - May 1984
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Ladies Luncheon - L to R, behind table: Irene Tonelli, Estelle Bottarini, and Linnie Faina helping set up a function.
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Amateur Shows - L to R: Handford & Margot Clews, and Charlie & Estelle Bottarini.
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Amateur Shows - L to R: Giulio Francesconi, Handford (behind) & Margot Clews, Sam San Filippo, Estelle Bottarini, Joe Farrah, unknown, Irene Tonelli, and Charlie Bottarini.
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Amateur Shows - 3rd from left: Ron Faina.
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Amateur Shows - Ron Faina strolling down the stairs from the stage.
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Amateur Shows - mostly unknown; 1st: Ron Faina, and 4th: George Habeeb.
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Amateur Shows - mostly unknown; 5th from left: George Habeeb, and 7th from left: Ron Faina.
5/9/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Wednesday evening’s Western Barbecue - L to R: Estelle Bottarini, Howard Pearson, Eva Bello, and Margot Clews.
5/9/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Wednesday evening’s Western Barbecue - Charlie Bottarini in costume; the only indian at the barbecue?
5/9/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Wednesday evening’s Western Barbecue - Charlie Bottarini and Handford Clews.
5/9/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Wednesday evening’s Western Barbecue - Linnie Faina and Charlie Bottarini.
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Green shirts: Charlie Bottarini and Ron Faina.
5/9/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Wednesday evening’s Western Barbecue - Front to back: left: Bill Tonelli, Emma Giuffre, Charlie Bottarini, and Grace & Sam San Filippo; right: Joe Giuffre, Irene Tonelli, Dorothy Pearson, Estelle Bottarini, and Jean Doran.
5/9/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Wednesday evening’s Western Barbecue - R to L: Irene Tonelli, Dorothy Pearson, Estelle Bottarini, and Jean & Les Doran.
5/9/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Wednesday evening’s Western Barbecue - L to R: Les & Jean Doran, and Estelle Bottarini.
5/9/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Wednesday evening’s Western Barbecue - Eva Bello, Charlie Bottarini, and Sam San Filippo.
5/9/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Wednesday evening’s Western Barbecue - L to R: Jean Doran, Eva Bello, Charlie Bottarini, and Sam San Filippo.
5/9/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Wednesday evening’s Western Barbecue - L to R: standing: Pat Ferrera, Charlie Bottarini, Margot Clews, Howard Pearson, Frank Ferrera, Eve Bello, Handford Clews (in back), Jean & Les Doran, Grace (bending) & Sam San Filippo, and Estelle Bottarini; kneeling: Linnie Faina, and Pete Bello.
5/9/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Wednesday evening’s Western Barbecue - L to R: Eva Bello, Handford Clews, Charlie Bottarini, Les Doran, Estelle Bottarini, Sam San Filippo, Jean Doran, Dorothy Pearson, Linnie Faina, and Pat Ferrera (partial).
5/9/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Wednesday evening’s Western Barbecue - Charlie Bottarini and Jean Doran.
5/9/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Wednesday evening’s Western Barbecue - L to R: Eva Bello, Charlie Bottarini, and Dorothy Pearson.
5/9/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Wednesday evening’s Western Barbecue - L to R: Grace San Filippo, Eva Bello, Ron Faina, Estelle & Charlie Bottarini.
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - L to R: Grace & Sam San Filippo, Estelle & Charlie Bottarini, and Eva & Pete Bello.
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Irene Tonelli and Emma Giuffre in a guest room.
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Estelle Bottarini and Joe Giuffre discussing a polaroid photo.
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Joe Giuffre and Charlie Bottarini discussing the convention.
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - L to R: standing: Art Holl and Handford Clews; on bed: unsure, Eva Bello, Sophie Zagorewicz, and Estelle Bottarini.
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - L to R: Sam San Filippo, Ted Zagorewicz, Charlie Bottarini, Sophie Zagorewicz, and Lyle Workman.
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - L to R: Ed Morey in back; Margot Clews, Sam San Filippo, and Linnie Faina; Lorraine Morey, Estelle Bottarini, and Grace San Filippo, Eva Bello in front.
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - L to R: Sam San Filippo, Pete & Estelle Bottarini, and Ed & Lorraine Morey. Handford Clews in background.
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - L to R: Sam San Filippo, Pete & Estelle Bottarini, and Ed & Lorraine Morey. Handford Clews in background.
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - L to R: back left: Frank Ferrera, Bill Graziano, and guest; back right: Howard Pearson, and Sophie & Ted Zagorewicz; foreground: Charlie Bottarini and Ron Faina.
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - L to R: Ron Seward (next to stage), Joe Farrah, standing, and Estelle Bottarini “pulling” her horse.
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Front to back: left: Ron & Linnie Faina, and Irene Tonelli; right: Estelle Bottarini, and Emma & Joe Giuffre.
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Ron & Linnie Faina.
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Costume Parade - A member’s wife in costume.
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Costume Parade - L to R: Estelle & Charlie Bottarini, and Eva & Pete Bello.
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Costume Parade - Estelle & Charlie Bottarini in costume.
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Costume Parade - L to R: standing: Ed Morey, Sam San Filippo, Pete Bello, Margot & Handford Clews, unsure, unsure, Howard & Dorothy Pearson, and Jean & Les Doran; kneeling: Lorraine Morey, Eva Bello, Linnie & Ron Faina, Pat Ferrera, Bill & Irene Tonelli, and Frank Ferrera.
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Costume Parade - L to R: back row: Lorraine & Ed Morey, Handford Clews, Frank & Pat Ferrera, Irene & Bill Tonelli, Jean & Les Doran, and unsure; front row: Sam San Filippo, and unsure of the rest.
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Costume Parade - L to R: back row: Lorraine & Ed Morey, Handford & Margot Clews, Frank & Pat Ferrera, Irene & Bill Tonelli, Jean & Les Doran, and unsure; front row: Sam San Filippo, and unsure of the rest.
5/12/84 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Barber Shop Quartet - L to R: Handford Clews, Pete Bello, Sam San Filippo, and Ed Morey.