1978-79 Photos
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General Photos
7/21/78 - Regular Meeting, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R: Joe Farrah, Roe Wilson, Ed Damonte (behind podium), and Giulio Francesconi. Roe Wilson from the San Francisco Heart Assn. gave an interesting talk on the circulatory system. Mr Wilson had 12 heart attacks in the past 4 years and is still in coronary care.
9/15/78 - Regular Meeting, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R: Ed Damonte, obscured, Charlie Bottarini, and Sandy Masonek of Wholesale Furs. Sandy Masonek, fur wholesoller, gave us short interesting talk on furs. Lionettes: Marylin Harrison, Jeanotto Sfarzo, Bobbie Damonte, and Margot Clews demonstrated the furs. Lion Angelo Sfarzo played background music during the show.
9/15/78 - Regular Meeting, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R: Bobbie Damonte and Sandy Masonek of Wholesale Furs, those standing are unknown. Sandy Masonek, fur wholesoller, gave us short interesting talk on furs. Lionettes: Marylin Harrison, Jeanotto Sfarzo, Bobbie Damonte, and Margot Clews demonstrated the furs. Lion Angelo Sfarzo played background music during the show.
9/15/78 - Regular Meeting, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Angelo Sfarzo playing background music during the fur show presented by Sandy Masonek.
9/15/78 - Regular Meeting, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Sandy Masonek of Wholesale Furs, Joe Farrah, John Dossetti, and Emily Farrah. Joe Farrah presenting PP John Dossetti of the Morgan Hill Lions with our Club banner.
10/18/78 - Father & Son Night, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R: Nick Farrah, Andy Woodall, and Joe Farrah, standing on right; with Handford Clews (seated.)
10/18/78 - Father & Son Night, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Joe Farrah, standing far left, Randy & Bill Tonelli, Charlie Bottarini, backs to camera: Pete Bello and Mike Spediacci, and Joe Giuffre, standing.
10/18/78 - Father & Son Night, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R: far side: Danny & Tom O’Connell, Bob & Andy Woodall, and near side: Timmy O’Connell.
10/18/78 - Father & Son Night, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Background: Three sons helping Ed Damonte, on their right; Bob Pacheco (back to camera, brown sweater) with son Chris to his front right; L to R: Mike Castagnetto (cream suit), Frank, Jr. & Frank Bulleri, Sr.
10/18/78 - Father & Son Night, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Two sons help Ed Damonte, behind projector; Chris Pacheco in front of them; Fred Melchiori, blurred in lower right.
10/4/78 - Pete Bello’s garage, Silver & Lisbon Streets - The new paper drive shed nearing completion.
10/4/78 - Pete Bello’s garage, Silver & Lisbon Streets - Pete Bello posing with the nearly completed shed for the paper drive.
12/8/78 - Al Fregosi’s property at Russia Ave. & Mission St. - The paper drive shed shortly after being installed by Charlie Bottarini, Fred Krahl, Pete Bello, Mike Spediacci and Mike Castagnetto. This original shed was burned down in April 1980 and was replaced in May that year. The shed was destroyed again in June 1980.
12/8/78 - Al Fregosi’s property at Russia Ave. & Mission St. - The paper dirve shed shortly after being installed by Charlie Bottarini, Fred Krahl, Pete Bello, Mike Spediacci and Mike Castagnetto. This original shed was burned down in April 1980 and was replaced in May that year. The shed was destroyed again in June 1980.
1/19/79 - Bay Meadows Racetrack, San Mateo - R to L: Ray & Marylin Squeri and Joe & Emily Farrah. Chairman Ray Squeri reported 258 tickets sold for our annual Night at the Races. Ray generously donated $2 for every ticket sold by a Lion, adding $194 additional funds to our profit.
3/14/79 - Regular Meeting, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R, head table left: Ed Damonte, Jerry Ennis, Handford Clews, Dr. Irwin Schwab, and Charles Grisenti (partial). Dr. Schwab, an Ophthalmologist resident at the Pacific Medical Center, acknowledged Lions for their support of the Center through contributions of dollars and equipment through the Lions Eye Foundation and by patient referrals. Dr.Schwab showed slides and discussed “Eye Care in the Third World”. Charles Grisenti, and Bill Cazatt (not shown), were inducted as new members in this meeting by District Governor George Habeeb.
3/14/79 - Regular Meeting, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R: Jerry Ennis, Handford Clews, Dr. Irwin Schwab, Charles Grisenti, Bill Tonelli, and Al Gentile. Dr. Schwab, an Ophthalmologist resident at the Pacific Medical Center, acknowledged Lions for their support of the Center through contributions of dollars and equipment through the Lions Eye Foundation and by patient referrals. Dr.Schwab showed slides and discussed “Eye Care in the Third World”. Charles Grisenti, and Bill Cazatt (not shown), were inducted as new members in this meeting by District Governor George Habeeb.
3/14/79 - Regular Meeting, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R: Julio Delucchi, Joe Farrah, guest, and Handford Clews. Mike Perri, Jr. is in the foreground.
3/21/79 - Regular Meeting, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Don Stanaway, candidate for District 4-C4 Governor, speaking to the Club.
3/21/79 - Regular Meeting, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Don Stanaway, candidate for District 4-C4 Governor, speaking to the Club. Joe Farrah peeking in on the lower right.
3/21/79 - Regular Meeting, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Don Stanaway, candidate for District 4-C4 Governor, speaking to the Club. Joe Farrah on the right.
3/21/79 - Regular Meeting, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R: Ed Damonte, Handford Clews, Joe Farrah, Don Stanaway, Bill Tonelli, and Al Gentile. Don Stanaway, candidate for District 4-C4 Governor, speaking to the Club.
4/18/79 - Regular Meeting, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R: Ed Damonte, Don Horanzy, and Joe Farrah. Supervisor Don Horanzy, 8th District in San Francisco, spoke at length and answered questions.
6/20/79 - Regular Meeting, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R: Joe Farrah, Quintin Kopp, Handford, and Al Gentile. San Francisco Supervisor Quentin Kopp, a member of the Marina Lions Club, talked about San Francisco issues and answered many questions.
1978-79 - Members traveling together: L to R: Grace San Filippo, Pat & Frank Ferrera, Pete & Eva Bello, Sam San Filippo, guest, Irene Tonelli, and guest.
1978-79 - Members traveling together: L to R: Pete & Eva Bello, Irene Tonelli (in back), Frank Ferrera, Sam San Filippo, and Pat Ferrera.
1978-79 - Members traveling together: L to R: Frank & Pat Ferrera, Pete & Eva Bello, Sam & Grace San Filippo, Bill & Irene Tonelli, and guests.
Installation of Officers, June 17, 1978
6/17/78 - Pre-Installation Party, Ferrera residence, San Bruno - L to R: Guest (partial), George Essaff Emily Farrah’s brother), guest (back to camera), Frances Spediacci, and Frank Ferrera.
6/17/78 - Pre-Installation Party, Ferrera residence, San Bruno - L to R: Grace San Filippo (back to camera), Pat Ferrera, Pauline Woodall, Joe Farrah, guest, and Emily Farrah.
6/17/78 - Pre-Installation Party, Ferrera residence, San Bruno - L to R: Irene Tonelli (back to camera), Joe Farrah, guest, and Lorraine Castagnetto (partial, in corner).
6/17/78 - Pre-Installation Party, Ferrera residence, San Bruno - Backs to camera: Ron Faina walking his duck while his wife, Linnie, tries not to look.
6/17/78 - Pre-Installation Party, Ferrera residence, San Bruno - L to R: Guest, Frances Spediacci, and Pat & Frank Ferrera.
6/17/78 - Pre-Installation Party, Ferrera residence, San Bruno - L to R: Frances & Mike Spediacci, Frank Ferrera, Gino Benetti (?, in back), and Pat Martin (partial).
6/17/78 - Installation of Officers, Ramada Inn, S.F. Airport, Millbrae - L to R: Emily & Joe Farrah, standing: Lion and Ervin Smith, and Elena Smith.
6/17/78 - Installation of Officers, Ramada Inn, S.F. Airport, Millbrae - L to R: Trudy & Leonardo Bacci, Emily & Joe Farrah, Pat Martin, and Ervin & Elena Smith. Pat Martin speaking as Master of Ceremonies.
6/17/78 - Installation of Officers, Ramada Inn, S.F. Airport, Millbrae - L to R: Trudy & Leonardo Bacci, Emily & Joe Farrah, Bill Tonelli, and Ervin & Elena Smith. Bill Tonelli presenting awards for the year.
6/17/78 - Installation of Officers, Ramada Inn, S.F. Airport, Millbrae - L to R: Leonardo Bacci, Emily & Joe Farrah, Bob Woodall, and Ervin & Elena Smith. Bob Woodall presenting 100% Attendance Awards.
6/17/78 - Installation of Officers, Ramada Inn, S.F. Airport, Millbrae - L to R: Trudy Bacci, Emily & Joe Farrah, Leonardo Bacci, and Ervin Smith. Leonardo Bacci preparing for the installation of officers.
6/17/78 - Installation of Officers, Ramada Inn, S.F. Airport, Millbrae - L to R: standinig: Bob Pacheco, Dick Harrison, Joe Farrah, Leonardo Bacci, Fred Melchiori, Ozzie Buoncristiani, and Bill Tonelli; seated: Trudy Bacci, Emily Farrah, Elena, and Pat & Marjorie Martin. Leonardo Bacci as he completes installing Joe Farrah as president.
6/17/78 - Installation of Officers, Ramada Inn, S.F. Airport, Millbrae - L to R: Leonardo Bacci, Emily & Joe Farrah, Ervin & Elena Smith. Joe Farrah presenting Erv Smith with is Past President’s Plaque.
6/17/78 - Installation of Officers, Ramada Inn, S.F. Airport, Millbrae - L to R: Trudy & Leonardo Bacci, Emily & Joe Farrah, and Ervin Smith. Erv Smith accepting his Past President’s Plaque. (Sorry for the double exposure.)
6/17/78 - Installation of Officers, Ramada Inn, S.F. Airport, Millbrae - L to R: Trudy & Leonardo Bacci, Emily & Joe Farrah, and Ervin & Elena Smith. New installed President Joe Farrah talking about his plans for the coming Lions year.
6/17/78 - Installation of Officers, Ramada Inn, S.F. Airport, Millbrae - L to R: Trudy & Leonardo Bacci, Emily & Joe Farrah, and Ervin Smith. New installed President Joe Farrah talking about his plans for the coming Lions year.
6/17/78 - Installation of Officers, Ramada Inn, S.F. Airport, Millbrae - Cover of the installation program.
6/17/78 - Installation of Officers, Ramada Inn, S.F. Airport, Millbrae - Inside left of the installation program.
6/17/78 - Installation of Officers, Ramada Inn, S.F. Airport, Millbrae - Inside right of the installation program.
6/17/78 - Installation of Officers, Ramada Inn, S.F. Airport, Millbrae - Back cover of the installation program.
6/17/78 - Installation of Officers, Ramada Inn, S.F. Airport, Millbrae - Ticket to the installation.
1978-79 Officers
1978-79 Cabinet Officers - George Habeeb, District Governor
1978-79 Cabinet Officers - Earl Call, Secretary
1978-79 Cabinet Officers - Bill Tonelli, Treasurer
1978-79 Cabinet Officers - Guerin Olivola, Region 1 Deputy District Governor
1978-79 Cabinet Officers - Stephen Kish, Zone 3 Chairman
1978-79 Officers - Joseph Farrah, President
1978-79 Officers - ERvin Smith, Immediate Past President
1978-79 Officers - Ted Zagorewicz, 1st Vice President
1978-79 Officers - Guilo Francesconi, 2nd Vice President
1978-79 Officers - Mike Spediacci, 3rd Vice President
1978-79 Officers - Handford Clews, Secretary
1978-79 Officers - Al Fregosi, Financial Secretary
1978-79 Officers - Galdo Pavini, Treasurer
1978-79 Officers - Ron Faina, Tail Twister
1978-79 Officers - Sam San Filippo, Lion Tamer
1978-79 Officers - Mike Castagnetto, Director
1978-79 Officers - Dick Harrison, Director
1978-79 Officers - Fred Melchiori, Director
1978-79 Officers - Bob Pacheco, Director
1978-79 Officers - Bill Tonelli, Director
District Governor’s Official Visit - November 8, 1978
11/8/78 - District Governor’s Official Visit, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R: Zone 3 Chairman Stephen Kish and Don Stanaway.
11/8/78 - District Governor’s Official Visit, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R: far left: Joe Farrah, Joe Giuffre, Lion, Zone 3 Chairman Stephen Kish, Don Stanaway, and Galdo Pavini (partial). Fred Melchiori is in the foreground.
11/8/78 - District Governor’s Official Visit, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R: Region 1 Deputy District Governor Guerin Olivola, District Governor George Habeeb, Joe Farrah, and Joe Giuffre.
11/8/78 - District Governor’s Official Visit, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R: Galdo Pavini, District Governor George Habeeb, Bill Tonelli, Region 1 Deputy District Governor Guerin Olivola, Zone 3 Chairman Stephen Kish, Joe Giuffre, and Al Fregosi.
11/8/78 - District Governor’s Official Visit, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R: Pete Bello, Galdo Pavini, District Governor George Habeeb, Bill Tonelli, Region 1 Deputy District Governor Guerin Olivola, and Zone 3 Chairman Stephen.
Member’s Christmas Party - December 20, 1978
12/20/78 - Club Cristmas Party, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R: Frank Fazzino, Fred Melchiori (Santa), and Joe Farrah.
12/20/78 - Club Cristmas Party, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Left side: Joe Farrah (standing), Gino Benetti, Pat Martin, and Art Holl; right side: Ervin Smith, two Lions, and Handford Clews.
12/20/78 - Club Cristmas Party, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Bill Tonelli, and Fred Melchiori as Santa, doing a song and dance routine.
12/20/78 - Club Cristmas Party, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R: first table near side: Frank Fazzino, Lion, and Mike Perri, Jr.; far side: Ozzie Buoncristiani, Hugo Checchi, Carl Muelendorf, and Ed Damonte; far table, near side:: Al Gentile with three Lions; far side: Charlie Stuhr.
12/20/78 - Club Cristmas Party, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R: Bill Tonelli, Charlie Bottarini, Giulio Francesconi, Sam San Filippo, Pete Bello, and Handford Clews, all singing Quel Bel Massolini Di Fiori.
12/20/78 - Club Cristmas Party, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R: accordinist Jack LaRocca, Bill Tonelli, and Fred Melchiori as Santa.
12/20/78 - Club Cristmas Party, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R: Charlie Bottarini, Giulio Francesconi, Sam San Filippo, Pete Bello, and Handford Clews, with Bill Tonelli leading, all singing Quel Bel Massolini Di Fiori.
12/20/78 - Club Cristmas Party, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R: Bill Tonelli and Fred Melchiori as Santa.
12/20/78 - Club Cristmas Party, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Joe Farrah, left, greeting Ozzie Buoncristiani.
Past Presidents’ Night - February 7, 1979
2/7/79 - Past Presidents’ Night, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Each past president, oldest to newest, gave remarks about his year as president. Al Kleinbach, 1953-54 and Charter Member. L to R: near table: obscured, Fred Krahl, Fred Melchiori, Al Kleinbach, Joe Giuffre, and Bob Woodall; next table: guest, Bill Tonelli, and two guests.
2/7/79 - Past Presidents’ Night, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Each past president, oldest to newest, gave remarks about his year as president. Joe Giuffre, 1958-59. L to R (some with back to camera): far side: Frank Ferrera (partial), Charlie Bottarini, Pete Bello, and obscured; next row: Bob Woodall, Joe Giuffre (standing), Al Kleinbach, Fred Melchiori, Fred Krahl; closest table: Don Bacioco, guest, and guest.
2/7/79 - Past Presidents’ Night, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Each past president, oldest to newest, gave remarks about his year as president. Charlie Stuhr, 1960-61. L to R: Charlie Stuhr (standing) and Sam San Filippo.
2/7/79 - Past Presidents’ Night, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Each past president, oldest to newest, gave remarks about his year as president. Frank Ferrera, 1961-62. L to R: ignor near side; Al Gentile (end of table), Frank Ferrera, Charlie Bottarini, and Rocky Lombardi.
2/7/79 - Past Presidents’ Night, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Each past president, oldest to newest, gave remarks about his year as president. Charlie Bottarini, 1963-64. L to R: Al Gentile (end of table), Frank Ferrera, Charlie Bottarini, Rocky Lombardi, and Ron Faina.
2/7/79 - Past Presidents’ Night, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Each past president, oldest to newest, gave remarks about his year as president. Bill Tonelli, 1964-65. L to R: guest (seated) and Bill Tonelli.
2/7/79 - Past Presidents’ Night, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Each past president, oldest to newest, gave remarks about his year as president. Ron Faina, 1967-68. Far side: Rocky Lombardi (seated) and Ron Faina.
2/7/79 - Past Presidents’ Night, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Each past president, oldest to newest, gave remarks about his year as president. Pat Martin, 1968-69. L to R: Guerin Olivola, Pat Martin (standing), and guest.
2/7/79 - Past Presidents’ Night, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Each past president, oldest to newest, gave remarks about his year as president. Bob Woodall, 1969-70. L to R, facing camera: Handford Clews (partial), Bob Woodall, and Al Gentile.
2/7/79 - Past Presidents’ Night, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Each past president, oldest to newest, gave remarks about his year as president. Fred Melchiori, 1972-73. R to L, near side, lower right: Bob Woodall, Al Kleinbach, Fred Melchiori, Bill Tonelli, and Joe Giuffre.
2/7/79 - Past Presidents’ Night, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Each past president, oldest to newest, gave remarks about his year as president. Ray Squeri, 1973-74. L to R: Handford Clews, Ray Squeri, and Al Gentile.
2/7/79 - Past Presidents’ Night, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Each past president, oldest to newest, gave remarks about his year as president. Al Gentile, 1975-76.L to R: Al Gentile (standing) with parials of Ray Squeri and Frank Ferrera.
2/7/79 - Past Presidents’ Night, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Each past president, oldest to newest, gave remarks about his year as president. Ozzie Buoncristiani, 1976-77. L to R: Ozzie Buoncristiani, guest, and Don Lustenberger.
Past District Governors’ Night & New Member Induction - February 14, 1979
2/14/79 - Past District Governors Night & New Member Induction, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R, seated and standing: Handford Clews, Joe Farrah, PDG Maurice Perstein, and PDG Chan Wah Lee. PDG Maury Perstein, from the Marina Lions, talking about his year as District Governor in 1952-53.
2/14/79 - Past District Governors Night & New Member Induction, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R, seated and standing: PDF Maurice Perstein (partial), PDG Chan Wah Lee, and PDG Joe Giuffre. PDG Joe Giuffre, from the Geneva-Excelsior Lions, telling tales about his year as District Governor in 1963-64; he was an excellent story teller.
2/14/79 - Past District Governors Night & New Member Induction, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R, seated and standing: PDG Maurice Perstein, PDG Chan Wah Lee, and PDG Joe Giuffre. PDG Chan Wah Lee, from the Chinatown Lions, talking about his year as District Governor in 1967-68.
2/14/79 - Past District Governors Night & New Member Induction, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R: Al Genrile and PDG Fred Newman. PDG Fred Newman, from the Marina Lioons, talking about his year as District Governor in 1969-70.
2/14/79 - Past District Governors Night & New Member Induction, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R: standing: PDG Maurice Perstein, Michael Perri, Jr., Michael Perri, Sr., R. Jerome Ennis, and Handford Clews; seated: Joe Farrah, PDG Chan Wah Lee, and PDG Joe Giuffre. PDG Maury Perstein installing new members Mike Perri, Jr. and Jerry Ennis.
2/14/79 - Past District Governors Night & New Member Induction, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R: standing: PDG Maurice Perstein, Michael Perri, Jr., Michael Perri, Sr., and R. Jerome Ennis; seated: PDG Chan Wah Lee, and PDG Joe Giuffre. PDG Maury Perstein installing new members Mike Perri, Jr. and Jerry Ennis.
2/14/79 - Past District Governors Night & New Member Induction, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - L to R: standing: Michael Perri, Jr., Michael Perri, Sr., R. Jerome Ennis, and Handford Clews; seated: PDG Chan Wah Lee, and PDG Joe Giuffre. New members Mike Perri, Jr. and Jerry Ennis receiving their Lions pins from their sponsors.
Student Speaker Contest - March 5, 1979
3/5/79 - Club Student Speaker Contest, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Subject: “Who Am I” - L to R: Pat & Frank Ferrera (partial), and Joe & Emily Farrah. Joe Farrah as he opens the meeting and turns it over to the chairman, Pat Martin.
3/5/79 - Club Student Speaker Contest, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Subject: “Who Am I” - Participants in the contest: Caroline Raphael from Mercy High, Kimberly Evans from Balboa, and from St. Ignatius, John SwensOn and Carl Katerneahl. Unknown which is which.
3/5/79 - Club Student Speaker Contest, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Subject: “Who Am I” - Joe Farrah presenting an award to one of our 4 contestants.
3/5/79 - Club Student Speaker Contest, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Subject: “Who Am I” - L to R: Conttestant, Pat Martin, and Joe & Emily Farrah. Chairman Pat Martin presenting an award to one of our 4 contestants.
3/5/79 - Club Student Speaker Contest, L & L Castle Lanes, San Francisco - Subject: “Who Am I” - L to R: Pat Martin, Joe Farrah (seated), contestant, and another contestant. Chairman Pat Martin presenting an award to one of our 4 contestants.
District Convention - May 2-5, 1979
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - L to R: Pete Bello, Bill Tonelli, Ted Zagorewicz, Mike Spediacci, Art Holl, and Mike Castagnetto (partial). Members practicing for the Amateur Show.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - L to R: Sam San Filippo, Ted Zagorewicz (partial), Pete Bello, Bill Tonelli, Mike Spediacci, Art Holl, and Mike Castagnetto, Ron Faina, and Handford Clews (partial). Members practicing for the Amateur Show.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - Emily Farrah, back in the shadows, with Claire Holl.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - Lorraine Castagnetto.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - Emily Farrah.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - L to R: Margot Clews with Frances Spediacci.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - L to R: Mike Spediacci, Frank Ferrera, Art Holl, Bill Tonelli, and Handford Clews, behind Bill.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - Grace San Filippo and Irene Tonelli.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - Marge (Giulio Francesconi’s girlfriend) and Joe Farrah.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - Joe Farrah and Charlie Bottarini.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - Pete Bello, standing, and Bill Tonelli.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - Marge, Giulio Francesconi’s girlfriend.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - L to R: Eva Bello, Estelle Bottarini, and Emma Giuffre.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - Estelle Bottarini and Giulio Francesconi.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - Frank Ferrera, standing, and Joe Giuffre.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - Pete & Eva Bello, with Emma Giuffre peeking in on right.
2/27/79 - District Convention Prep Meeting, Frank Ferrera’s residence, San Bruno - Eva Bello and Pat Ferrera, with Giulio back in the shadows. Surprise birthday cake for Eva, whose birthday was April 13th(?)
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - L to R: standing, far back left: guest, Irene Tonelli, Estelle Bottarini, Bill Tonelli, Art Holl, Pete Bello, Handford Clews; seated: Lorraine Castagnetto (on ground), Eva Bello, Sam San Filippo, Pauline & Bob Woodall, and Emily Farrah.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - Joe Farrah with the Club’s 3rd Place for Scrapbook award.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - L to R: Lion, Rocky Lombardi, Joe Farrah, and Lion. Joe Farrah accepting an award for the Club.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - L to R: Lion, Lion presenter, Giulio Francesconi, obscured, Lion, and Mike Spediacci. Giulio Francesconi receiving a prize, a new putter, from the golf tournament. Mike Spediacci also received a prize from the golf tournament.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - L to R: Rino Ceccato, Lion, Guerin Olivola, Lion, Joe Farrah, and two more Lions. Rino Ceccato presented Lion of the Year awards from the Skylions of Daly City.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - L to R: standing: Art Holl, Pete Bello, Handford & Margot Clews, Ron Faina, Grace San Filippo, and Frank Ferrera; seated: Claire Holl, and Marge (with Giulio Francesconi).
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - L to R: standing, back row: Linnie Faina, Mike Castagnetto, guest, Art Holl, Sophie Zagorewicz, Pete Bello, back to camera, Handford Clews (partial), Marge with Giulio Francesconi; seated: Eva Bello, Sam San Filippo, obscured, Emily Farrah, and obscured; foreground: Frank Ferrera and Ron Faina.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - L to R: Grace San Filippo, Irene Tonelli, Emily Farrah, Sophie Zagorewicz, and Eva Bello.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - Al Kleinbach, a charter member, making a drink for Art Holl. Looks like he gave Art all the Ancient Age.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - L to R: Mike Castagnetto, Eva Bello, Emma Giuffre, and Lorraine Castagnetto.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - L to R: Pat Ferrera, Bill Tonelli, Joe Farrah, Sophie Zagorewicz, Claire Holl, and Ozzie Buoncristiani. Another Club in the background.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - Charlie Bottarini, hold parasol, and Pete Bello horsing around.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - Handford Clews and Charlie Bottarini playing bocci ball.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - L to R: head table: Bill & Irene Tonelli, Lion & wife; foreground table: Ted Zagorewicz (with camera), Mike Castagnetto, Charlie Bottarini, the monkey, and Frank Ferrera.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Convention photos - L to R: Charlie Bottarini, Frank Ferrera, Art Holl, Handford Clews, Lion, Lion, Mike Casstagnetto, and Al Gentile. Having completed teh costume parade, they’re getting ready for the Tail Twister Contest.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Costume Parade - L to R: obscured, Irene Tonelli, Emma Giuffre (background), Bill Tonelli, Art Holl (background), Margot Clews, and Sam San Filippo (background).
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Costume Parade - Charlie & Estelle Bottarini in costume.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Costume Parade - Turtles everywhere but can’t tell who is who.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Costume Parade - Can’t tell who the front 5 turtles are; near tree: Mike Spediacci, and Elena & Ervin Smith.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Costume Parade - L to R in costume only: standing: Elena Smith, Emily Farrah, Ervin Smith, Handford Clews, and Joe Giuffre; on ground, back row: Ted Zagorewicz, Margot Clews, center: Emma Giuffre, and Pete Bello; front row: Mike Spediacci, obscured, Pat Farrera, Claire Holl, Estelle, Marge, Charlie Bottarini, Bill Tonelli, and Eva Bello; in front: Lion.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Barber Shop Quartet - L to R: Art Holl, Mike Castagnetto, Mike Spediacci, and Sam San Filippo.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Barber Shop Quartet - L to R: Art Holl, Mike Castagnetto, Mike Spediacci, and Sam San Filippo.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Tail Twister Skit “Don Rickolini and the Capuchino Sisters” - L to R: L to R: the players: Margot Clews and Eva Bello, just before going on.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Tail Twister Skit “Don Rickolini and the Capuchino Sisters” - Handford Clew announcing the skit.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Tail Twister Skit “Don Rickolini and the Capuchino Sisters” - L to R: the players: Eva Bello, Al Gentile, and Margot Clews. Elena Smith is bottom center right.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Tail Twister Skit “Don Rickolini and the Capuchino Sisters” - L to R: the players: Eva Bello, Margot Clews, and Al Gentile.
May, 2-5, 1979 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Tail Twister Skit “Don Rickolini and the Capuchino Sisters” - L to R: the players: Eva Bello, Margot Clews, and Al Gentile. Back right: Marge, friend of Giulio Francesconi.