1975-76 Photos
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General Photos
Oct 1975 - Excelsior Playground, Russia & Madrid - in conjunction with Beep Baseball - Pete Bello, on left, distributing drinks to local children before t-ball practice.
Oct 1975 - Excelsior Playground, Russia & Madrid - in conjunction with Beep Baseball - Pete Bello, second from light pole in background, looks on as children play t-ball.
Oct 1975 - Excelsior Playground, Russia & Madrid - in conjunction with Beep Baseball - local children during t-ball practice.
12/18/75 - Induction of New Members, Chuck Wagon, San Francisco - L to R: standing: Joe Giuffre, PDG; Charles Stuhr (sponsor), Giulio Francesconi (new member), Mike Spediacci (new member), and Bill Tonelli (sponsor); seated: Jerome Ennis, and Ray Squeri.
1/21/76 - Past Presidents’ Night, Granada Cafe, San Francisco - L to R: member, Al Gentile, Jerome Ennis, and Ray Squeri. Foreground: Fred Melchiori.
1/21/76 - Past Presidents’ Night, Granada Cafe, San Francisco - Front to back: left side: Fred Melchiori, Galdo Pavini, Frank Ferrera, Charles Bottarini, Ron Faina, member, member, and Ervin Smith. Right side: Bill Tonelli, Ed Farrah, Bob Woodall, member, member, and Joe Giuffre. Next table: Bob Dobbins.
1/21/76 - Past Presidents’ Night, Granada Cafe, San Francisco - L to R: Pete Bello, Jack Parodi, Frank Fazzino, and Charles Stuhr. Jack Parodi and Charlie Sturh look on as Pete Bello and Frank Fazinno affix the Immediate Past President Ray Squeri’s name plate to the Past Presidents’ Plaque.
1/23/76 - President’ photo with the winner, Bay Meadows, San Mateo - Last three on right: Al Gentile, and Ray & Marylin Squeri.
3/17/76 - Past District Governors’ Night, Chuck Wagon, San Francisco - L to R: Past District Governors Chung Wah Lee, (Chinatown Lions, 1967/68), Bernard Workon (Mission Lions, 1971/72), Fred Newman (Marina Lions, 1969/70), Joe Giuffre (Geneva-Excelsior Lions, 1963/64).
3/17/76 - Induction of New Member, Chuck Wagon, San Francisco - L to R: Ron Faina (sponsor), Mike Castagnetto (new member), and Fred Newman, PDG.
4/7/76 - Induction of New Member, Chuck Wagon, San Francisco - L to R: Aldo Lazzarini, DDG; Pete Bello (sponsor), and Sam San Filippo (new member).
1975-76 - Complete set of Club Bulletins for the year given to the outgoing president.
Installation of Officers - June 21, 1975
6/21/75 - Installation of Officers, Presidio Golf Club, San Francisco - L to R: Joe (end of table) & Emma Giuffre, Marcy & Charles Stuhr, Marjorie & Pat Martin, and Elva & Ozzie Buoncristiani (in front of banner.) Opposite table: wife.
6/21/75 - Installation of Officers, Presidio Golf Club, San Francisco - L to R: Joe (back of head) & Emma Giuffre, Marcy & Charles Stuhr, Marjorie Martin, and Elva Buoncristiani.
6/21/75 - Installation of Officers, Presidio Golf Club, San Francisco - Al Gentile, Incoming President, with his wife Betty.
6/21/75 - Installation of Officers, Presidio Golf Club, San Francisco - L to R: table left: Charles Stuhr, Marjorie & Pat Martin, and Elva & Ozzie Buoncristiani; standing: Charles Bottarini and member.
6/21/75 - Installation of Officers, Presidio Golf Club, San Francisco - L to R: seated: Elva & Ozzie Buoncristiani; at mic: Al Kleinbach.
6/21/75 - Installation of Officers, Presidio Golf Club, San Francisco - L to R: seated: Emma Giuffre, Marcy & Charles Stuhr, Marjorie & Pat Martin, and Elva Buoncristiani; standing: Ervin Smith, Ozzie Buoncristiani, Ron Bankson, Frank Bulleri, member, and Frank Ferrera.
6/21/75 - Installation of Officers, Presidio Golf Club, San Francisco - L to R: Elva & Ozzie Buoncristiani, and Installing Officer PDG Joe Giuffre.
6/21/75 - Installation of Officers, Presidio Golf Club, San Francisco - L to R: Al Gentile, Incoming President, and Installing Officer PDG Joe Giuffre.
6/21/75 - Installation of Officers, Presidio Golf Club, San Francisco - L to R: seated: Elva Buoncristiani; standing: Al Gentile, Incoming President, and guest.
6/21/75 - Installation of Officers, Presidio Golf Club, San Francisco - L to R: standing: Ozzie Buoncristiani; seated: guest, guest; in background: Betty Gentile (green dress) and Al Kleinbach.
6/21/75 - Installation of Officers, Presidio Golf Club, San Francisco - Guests and members.
6/21/75 - Installation of Officers, Presidio Golf Club, San Francisco - L to R: Ray Sqeri (standing) and Pat Ferrera.
6/21/75 - Installation of Officers, Presidio Golf Club, San Francisco - L to R: seated: Charles & Estelle Bottarini, Pat Ferrera, and Linnie Faina; standing: Frank Ferrera.
6/21/75 - Installation of Officers, Presidio Golf Club, San Francisco - L to R at table: Linnie Faina, Pat Ferrera, and Estelle Bottarini.
6/21/75 - Installation of Officers, Presidio Golf Club, San Francisco - Left: Joe & Emma Giuffre; center front: Betty & Al Gentile; behind them right: Blanche & Al Fresosi; to their right in back: Elva & Ozzie Buoncristiani; right (partial): Pat & Marjorie Martin.
6/21/75 - Installation of Officers, Presidio Golf Club, San Francisco - Center in black print dress: Elva Buoncristiani with guest; in back: unknown; right: Tom O’Connell and member’s wife.
6/21/75 - Installation of Officers, Presidio Golf Club, San Francisco - Center left: Bob (tan suit) & Pauline Woodall; center: blue suit & black dress: unknown; behind them: Blanche & Al Fregosi; right: Ozzie & Elva Buoncristiani.
6/21/75 - Installation of Officers, Presidio Golf Club, San Francisco - Cover
6/21/75 - Installation of Officers, Presidio Golf Club, San Francisco - Inside left
6/21/75 - Installation of Officers, Presidio Golf Club, San Francisco - Inside right
6/21/75 - Installation of Officers, Presidio Golf Club, San Francisco - Back cover
1975-76 Officers
1975-76 - Al Gentile, President
1975-76 - Dr. Ray Squeri, Immediate Past President
1975-76 - Ozzie Buoncristiani, 1st Vice President
1975-76 - Ervin Smith, 2nd Vice President
1975-76 - Ron Bankson, 3rd Vice President
1975-76 - Joe Farrah, Secretary
1975-76 - Fred Krahl, Financial Secretary
1975-76 - Stan Nelson, Treasurer
1975-76 - Frank Bulleri, Tail Twister
1975-76 - Hugo Checchi, Tail Twister
1975-76 - Tom O’Connell, Lion Tamer
1975-76 - Frank Fazzino, Director
1975-76 - Frank Ferrera, Director
1975-76 - Al Fregosi, Director
1975-76 - Ray Hagerman, Director
1975-76 - Jack Parodi, Director
1975-76 - Ted Zagorewicz, Director
Carabinieri at Children’s Fairyland, Oakland - July 20, 1975
7/20/75 - Italian Festival, Children’s Fairyland, Oakland - L to R: Kay & Bud Coletti, Ervin & Elena Smith, Irene & Bill Tonelli, and Ray & Marylin Squeri.
7/20/75 - Italian Festival, Children’s Fairyland, Oakland - L to R carabinieri only: Bud & Kay Coletti, Irene Tonelli, Marylin & Ray Squeri.
7/20/75 - Italian Festival, Children’s Fairyland, Oakland - L to R carabinieri only: Bud Coletti (partial), Elena & Ervin Smith, and Kay Coletti.
7/20/75 - Italian Festival, Children’s Fairyland, Oakland - L to R carabinieri only: Ray Squeri (partial), Elena & Ervin Smith, Kay Coletti, and Bill Tonelli.
7/20/75 - Italian Festival, Children’s Fairyland, Oakland - L to R carabinieri only: Marylin Squeri, Irene Tonelli, Bud Coletti, and Ray Squeri.
7/20/75 - Italian Festival, Children’s Fairyland, Oakland - L to R carabinieri only: Ray Squeri, Elena & Ervin Smith, Kay Coletti, and Bill Tonelli.
7/20/75 - Italian Festival, Children’s Fairyland, Oakland - L to R carabinieri only: Kay Coletti, Ray Squeri, Marylin Squeri, and Bud Coletti.
7/20/75 - Italian Festival, Children’s Fairyland, Oakland - L to R carabinieri only: Ray Squeri, Elena & Ervin Smith, and Irene Tonelli (in back.)
7/20/75 - Italian Festival, Children’s Fairyland, Oakland - Children in the parade.
District Governor’s Official Visit - November 5, 1975
11/5/75 - District Governor Lee Shore’s Official Visitation, Granada Cafe, San Francisco - L to R: Aldo Lazarini, DDG; Lee Shore, DG; and Al Gentile.
11/5/75 - District Governor Lee Shore’s Official Visitation, Granada Cafe, San Francisco - L to R: Al Gentile, Hugo Checci, Lee Shore, DG; and Joe Farrah. Tail Twister Hugo Checci exacting a fine from the District Governor.
11/5/75 - District Governor Lee Shore’s Official Visitation, Granada Cafe, San Francisco - L to R: Aldo Lazarini, DDG; Al Gentile, Lee Shore, DG; and Joe Farrah. DG Lee Shore giving the rundown on the District.
11/5/75 - District Governor Lee Shore’s Official Visitation, Granada Cafe, San Francisco - L to R: Al Gentile, Joe Farrah, and Ron Faina, ZC.
11/5/75 - District Governor Lee Shore’s Official Visitation, Granada Cafe, San Francisco - L to R: Al Gentile, Lee Shore, DG; and Joe Farrah. President Al Gentile about to present our Club banner to the District Governor.
11/5/75 - District Governor Lee Shore’s Official Visitation, Granada Cafe, San Francisco - L to R: Lee Shore, DG, and Al Gentile. President Al Gentile presenting our Club banner to the District Governor.
11/5/75 - District Governor Lee Shore’s Official Visitation, Granada Cafe, San Francisco - Ron Faina, ZC.
11/5/75 - District Governor Lee Shore’s Official Visitation, Granada Cafe, San Francisco - Front to back: left side: Galdo Pavini, and Jack Parodi; right side: Pat Martin, Fred Krahl, and Ray Squeri partial). Head table L to R: Aldo Lazarini, DDG; Lee Shore, DG (partial); Al Gentile, and Joe Farrah.
11/5/75 - District Governor Lee Shore’s Official Visitation, Granada Cafe, San Francisco - Right side, back to front: Carl Muelendorf, Joe Giuffre, Ervin Smith, Bob Woodall, and Charles Stuhr. Left side, back to front: member, Frank Bulleri, Pete Bello, Frank Ferrera (standing), and Charles Bottarini.
11/5/75 - District Governor Lee Shore’s Official Visitation, Granada Cafe, San Francisco - Dessert provided by Al Kleinbach of Hilda’s Pasteries.
Rummage Sale - January 31 & February 1, 1976
1/31 & 2/1/1976 - Rummage Sale, Pete Bello’s garage, Silver & Lisbon Streets - Signs placed around the neighborhood.
1/31 & 2/1/1976 - Rummage Sale, Pete Bello’s garage, Silver & Lisbon Streets - L to R: Having a little fun are Ray Hagerman, Bill Tonelli, and Pete Bello.
1/31 & 2/1/1976 - Rummage Sale, Pete Bello’s garage, Silver & Lisbon Streets - L to R: Having some fun are Bill Tonelli, Carl Muehlendorf, Jack Paroni, and Pete Bello.
1/31 & 2/1/1976 - Rummage Sale, Pete Bello’s garage, Silver & Lisbon Streets - L to R: standing: Ray Hagerman, Carl Muehlendorf, Giulio Francesconi, Jack Parodi, and member; kneeling: Bill Tonelli and Pete Bello.
1/31 & 2/1/1976 - Rummage Sale, Pete Bello’s garage, Silver & Lisbon Streets - Items up for sale.
1/31 & 2/1/1976 - Rummage Sale, Pete Bello’s garage, Silver & Lisbon Streets - Ray Hagerman (center under door.)
1/31 & 2/1/1976 - Rummage Sale, Pete Bello’s garage, Silver & Lisbon Streets - L to R: Ray Hagerman, Eva Bello, shopper, Jack Parodi, Pete Bello, Galdo Pavini, Charlie Bottarini, shopper, shopper, Bill Tonelli, shopper, shopper.
District Convention - May 1976
May 1976 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - L to R: standing: Joe Giuffre, member, Emily & Joe Farrah, Irene Tonelli, Mike Spediacci, Emma Giuffre, Frances Spediacci, Bob & Ann Pacheco, Handford & Margot Clews, Grace San Filippo, and Mike Castagnetto; kneeling: Elena Smith, Bill Tonelli, Sam San Filippo, Charlie & Estelle Bottarini, Lorraine Castagnetto, Eva Bello; laying: Pete Bello.
May 1976 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - L to R: back row: Ted Zagorewicz, Pat Ferrera, Elena Smith, Lorraine Castagnetto, San San Filippo, Mike & Frances Spediacci, Mike Castagnetto; kneeling just in front of Ted: member, wife; kneeling row: Estelle Bottarini, Joe & Emma Giuffre, Eva & Pete Bello, Frank Ferrera; laying: Bob & Pauline Woodall, and Charlie Bottarini.
May 1976 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Members dressed as Crayola Crayons ready for the costume parade.
May 1976 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Charlie & Estelle Bottarini in costume.
May 1976 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - L to R: standing left: Joe Giuffre, Bob Woodall, Grace San Filippo, Al Kleinbach, and Sam San Filippo; standing right: Ron Faina; kneeling: Emma Giuffre, Pauline Woodall, Al Gentile behind Pat Ferrera, Pete & Eva Bello behind Estelle Bottarini, Linnie Faina behind Charlie Bottarini, Mike Castagnetto behind Mike Spediacci; laying: Frank Ferrera.
May 1976 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Charlie & Estelle Bottarini.
May 1976 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Left near Italian flag: Sam San Filippo; Charlie & Estelle Bottarini in front of 76 Flag.
May 1976 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Charlie & Estelle Bottarini.
May 1976 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Charlie & Estelle Bottarini.
May 1976 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Charlie & Estelle Bottarini.
May 1976 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - L to R: Linnie Faina, Estelle Bottarini, and Pat Ferrera.
May 1976 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - L to R: Frances Spediacci, Ron Faina, Larraine Castagnetto, and Eva Bello.
May 1976 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - L to R: DG Lee Shore, Charlie Bottarini, and Ron Seward.
May 1976 - District 4-C4 Convention, El Rancho Tropicana, Santa Rosa - Center table, front to back, left: Pat & Frank Ferrera, Eva Bello, Sam San Filippo, Frances Spediacci, Mike Castagnetto, unknown, unknown, Linnie Faina (standing); right: Charlie & Estelle Bottarini, Pete Bello, Grace San Filippo, Mike Spediacci, Lorraine Castagnetto, Al Gentile, Elena Smith, and Ron Faina (standing).