1970-71 Photos
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General Photos
July 1970 to June 71 - Charlie Bottarini’s year as Deputy District Governor - Head table at a District function. L to R: wife, Lion, Linnie & Lion Ron Faina, Estelle & Charlie Botrarini, wife & Lion.
July 1970 to June 71 - Charlie Bottarini’s year as Trustee for the Lions Eye Foundation - Charlie Bottarini, seated, second from left, pictured with other members of the Board of the Lions Eye Foundation, including George Habeeb, seated last on right.
July 1970 to June 71 - Charlie Bottarini’s year as Deputy District Governor - Estelle & Charlie Bottarini, lower dais on left, enjoying a District function.
July 1970 to June 71 - Charlie Bottarini’s year as Trustee for the Lions Eye Foundation - Pictured are, L to R, Lion; Maury Perstein, former Executive Director; speaker; Bill Tonelli; and Charlie Bottarini.
July 1970 to June 71 - Charlie Bottarini’s year as Trustee for the Lions Eye Foundation - Pictured are, L to R, Lion, speaker, Bill Tonelli, and Charlie Bottarini.
District Convention - May 1971
Early 1971 - Dress rehearsal for the District 4-C4 Convention in May at a member’s home - Member (blue shirt in back), member (bending putting on burlap sack), LJoe Giuffre (facing away from camera), Art Blum, and Bob Dobbins, all getting dressed for convention rehearsal.
Early 1971 - Dress rehearsal for the District 4-C4 Convention in May at a member’s home - Near window are, L to R, Bill Tonelli, Charlie Bottarini, Jack Parodi, and Frank Ferrera in front, while Art Blum helps another member fit his burlap sack to the right.
Early 1971 - Dress rehearsal for the District 4-C4 Convention in May at a member’s home - L to R: Frank Ferrera gets a good chuckle while Joe Giuffre and Art Blum help another member squeeze into his burlap sack.
Early 1971 - Dress rehearsal for the District 4-C4 Convention in May at a member’s home - All dressed up, drink in hands, are L to R: back row: Joe Giuffre, Frank Bulleri, Art Blum (in back), Bill Tonelli, Fred Melchiori, and Jack Parodi; kneeling are Bob Dobbins, Charlie Bottarini, and Frank Ferrera.
May 1971 Convention - Lions on parade wearing hat depicting various Lions services and events - Charlie Bottarini in foreground.
May 1971 Convention - Lions on parade wearing hat depicting various Lions services and events - Charlie Bottarini in foreground.
July 1970 to June 71 - Charlie Bottarini’s year as Deputy District Governor - A Lion with Estelle Bottarini at the District convention.
July 1970 to June 71 - Charlie Bottarini’s year as Deputy District Governor - DG Bill Kehe (?), Charlie, speaking, and Estelle Bottarini, on his left, at the District convention.
May 1971 - Al Kleinbach, just inside frame, and Ron Faina