8/17/05 - Sharp Park Golf Course, Pacifica - Golfers Lion Ward Donnelly and Lion Dick Johnson (mostly hidden) coming in to the dinner after golfing.
8/17/05 - Sharp Park Golf Course, Pacifica - The party is just getting started. Standing Lions Dick Johnson and Bob Fenech (chairman); seated: guest golfer, and Lions George Salet and Jerry Lowe.
8/17/05 - Sharp Park Golf Course, Pacifica - Lion Chairman Bob Fenech (out of picture) commenting about the tournament. Standing: Lion Dick Johnson. Seated: Lion Ernie Braun, guest, Leona Wong, guest, John Jones, and Lion Bre Martinez.
8/17/05 - Sharp Park Golf Course, Pacifica - Lion Chairman Bob Fenech handing a prize to a raffle winner.
8/17/05 - Sharp Park Golf Course, Pacifica - Golfers and guest getting ready to dine. Lion Handford Clews, guest, Lions George Salet and Jerry Lowe, and Margot Clews.
8/17/05 - Sharp Park Golf Course, Pacifica - A birthday boy with a surprise cake. Seated: guest, birthday boy, Laverne Cheso, and Lion Dick Johnson.
8/17/05 - Sharp Park Golf Course, Pacifica - Blowing out the candles being enjoyed by Lion Bre Martinez, guest, birthday boy, Laverne Cheso, Lion Dick Johnson, and a guest. Lion Charlie Bottarini and another guest (facing away from camera).
8/17/05 - Sharp Park Golf Course, Pacifica - Golfers and guest enjoying themselves. Far side: Guest, guest, Arnie Sambel, and guest. Near side: Guest and Lion Ward Donnelly at the end of table.